i would really like it if you guys start answering the app`s from people like me(Kator99), Joffy421 and TF2OPGAMER

just plzzzz
fine ill just find someone ELSE

Last edited by Kator99; Aug 10, 2015 at 08:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Real Name:Octavio


sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015
Hora estándar +0000 UTC

UTC es 14:49 en sábado, 15 de agosto de 2015 about yourself:
QI: 2,464

Best (Most liked) Mods:Aikido, Judo, JudoFrac, Jousting, and Taekkyon
Forum activity(/10):7
ingame activity(/10):8
People you know in the clan:Some people, but they don´t knews me.
Previous Clans (Why left?):MenteMaestra, i "left" because a new leader kicked me for a "breaked" rule, i writed 15 words, and the min words are 10, and without advertence, he kicked me from the Clan
Previous Bans (Why?):I don´t get banned Before
Previous infraction:I don´t het warned from a Infraction Before
Alts:I don´t have Alts
Why you want to join this clan:Because i guess im not sufficient good for me.
Can do anything for the clan
(Videos, Art, etc...): Art, and Videos. I have a Deviant Art and a Youtube Account
I got better Replays but...
Have a Nice day
Last edited by WhitePhoenix; Aug 15, 2015 at 05:58 PM.
Real Name: Gabriel Rocha
GMT: (-3:00)
about yourself: I like shrimp
QI: 314(339)
Best (Most liked) Mods:Boxshu / mushu
Forum activity(/10): (7/10)
ingame activity(/10): (9/10)
People you know in the clan: nobody
Previous Clans (Why left?): I did not have
Previous Bans (Why?): I did not have
Previous infraction: i did not have
Alts: No have
Why you want to join this clan:I want to Enter the (death) because he knew that it is a very good clan , hope helps them with What do I power , I hope you accept me as well.
Can do anything for the clan
(Videos, Art, etc...):I will help in everything I know to do.
3replays: I'm still doing