Endurance Onslaught 6.0
im a perfectionist most of the time, so some of these things are probably me nitpicking

backflip 1: it's accepted that backflips are stiff because you don't need to do much to perform one. perfect

backflip 2: i dont know if it's just my perfectionism, but usually i want my backflips to be symmetrical. otherwise they just look weird to me.

backflip 3: now this one is a little wonky to me. the fact that your toes end up behind the previous position of your heels in 3 frames says that you kept on contracting after liftoff, which is fine as long as your feet are flat. unfortunately this was not the case, and your heels lifted off the ground to long before the initial liftoff. of course you want to "jump with your toes," but this does not mean you have to stand on your toes while you lift your arms.

another thing: your legs. this is probably a nitpick, but unless you're doing a backlayout, or a x-out, usually you should keep your legs tucked, and then extend them when your torso is nearly parallel to the ground. otherwise the backflip is going to look wonky. (wonky? lol. this doesnt apply if your legs are extended enough to land good, like in the second backflip, however this is stiff.)

corkscrew 1: nitpick warning: normally you want your corks to be directed upward, not flying to the right or left. also: ghooosting D: (frame 1052). fixable by just raising your arm.

scoot 1: normally using your hand(s) to land is frowned upon when tricking (atleast it used to). however i do not frown upon this if a recovery is made (such as a scoot or a trick is made immediately afterwards). this is a good example of a recovery, so good job.

corkscrew 2: perfect. just perfect.

missleg 1: nothing's bad about this

i have no idea what to call this next trick: i dunno wat to say about this. the spring would usually break a man's leg from that much jump, but this isn't really frowned upon. so yea. now, however, remember when i said using hand(s) to aid a landing? well i won't say this isn't bad but it isn't pretty unless as i said: it's a recovery or an immediate trick.
tsu tsu cuckoo
I think its an overall good replay, but there are 3 things that I noticed that could be fixed:
1) There was an odd looking "twitch" in the middle of the roundoff.
2) You ghosted during the cork.
3) Your neck was floppy again during the cork ;3.

Other than those things, it was nice
Originally Posted by BabyJ2kr View Post
I can never please you qq

You did please me. I was just pointing out some stuff that could be fixed in your future replays
Originally Posted by Tsuion View Post
my cnc is too complicated and no one reads it anyways

cool replay dood+ wat nate said.

do a double cork

10/10 CnC, read it all!

As for the money:

Sent 1tc before watching replays. dolla bills dolla bill ya'll
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