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Surprise Packs/Boxes

I don't know if this has been suggested before, and if it has, I'm sorry.
Wouldn't it be cool if there were like packs or boxes with random items inside? They could be divided into different tiers, each one with items of that value. For example, a pack worth 100k that could get you either void, demon, pure or warrior items. Maybe 3/4 items per box?

It would be even better if the boxes didn't have a QI restriction, so that anyone that can afford it could have one.

Parkour • Spar • Skating
I think this seems like a pretty decent idea so far. I think that we should put a damper on the price because for 250k you could just buy the item for less TC and without the risk. The minimum for sets should probably be 10k mainly because the rarest thing you could get in one of those 1st tier sets would probably Platinum force or something like that.

Here's my list

1st tier: This set would contain some of the most basic items including Gladiator, Orc, and maybe if you were lucky some Sphinx items.

2nd tier: This set would probably have a tiny bit more expensive items including Sphinx, Copper, Amethyst and rare chance of something like Adamantuim force or lax.

3rd tier, Once you get to this set you can start to find rarer items such as Crimson items or an Adamantuim force maybe if your lucky even Supernova items.

4th tier: Here you will start to get Shiai items and very rare forces/laxes

5th tier: This set would cost a massive amount of TC and in it you would get a bunch of godly items in it such as Void, Pure, Demon and rare 3D items.

Tell me what you think of my list and let me tell you this took about five minutes so don't look at the mistakes to harshly.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
Well the items already have a built in tier system. Goes from Tier I too Elite Tier. I dont think this does anything right now and this idea could make the already built in Tiers have a use. Or change the tiers so there is only 5 like y'all are suggesting
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Like Uhm said great for Sinking TC also maybe they should pay Extra for no QI Restriction on the prizes they could get. And the lvl 1 box could be 1k or 10k and so on ^_^ Maybe 100tc box for horrible items like orc etc. and then 1k for stuff like cobra to vamp etc and then 10k for stuff like toxic force and lax pair and other forces and then finally the 100k ones for like JuaniXk said Void or Static or Velvet or Elf etc. Also maybe a wheel spin that costs 1$ each? It gives items on whatever it lands on u get the point XD Going down though not going left like wheel of fortune. The Item Pictures would be on the soles of the Wheel. Supported
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Hmmm, when I think about it. It'd be pretty cool.
Like every 10th won match or something you can get a pack with one or more items in it.
And like sometimes you get really rare items. BUT ONLY SOMETIMES.
Or you should be able to buy them. Like people are talking about.
No this is a different idea. This is like opening creates in CS:GO or TF2 so you buy it and you get a random item of the tier you got. That is a full sets of colours
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Supply Drops
So I was thinking that this game should have a supply drop or case opening like in CS:GO or advanced warfare.

There is a good variety of items so the randomness is there, and Nabi would make money off selling them.
Hmm why not, waiting for people to spend hundreds why not thousands of money on this then to get the worst items always and then come here to complain. Supported.
Originally Posted by JuaniXk View Post

I don't know if this has been suggested before, and if it has, I'm sorry.
Wouldn't it be cool if there were like packs or boxes with random items inside? They could be divided into different tiers, each one with items of that value. For example, a pack worth 100k that could get you either void, demon, pure or warrior items. Maybe 3/4 items per box?

It would be even better if the boxes didn't have a QI restriction, so that anyone that can afford it could have one.

And with that, toribash becomes CSGO.
A pro league.
People that brag about expensive shit.
Immature people.
A huge community.
On steam.

Extremely unsupported.
Originally Posted by Infinity View Post
So I was thinking that this game should have a supply drop or case opening like in CS:GO or advanced warfare.

There is a good variety of items so the randomness is there, and Nabi would make money off selling them.

Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
Hmm why not, waiting for people to spend hundreds why not thousands of money on this then to get the worst items always and then come here to complain. Supported.

Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
Hmmm, when I think about it. It'd be pretty cool.
Like every 10th won match or something you can get a pack with one or more items in it.
And like sometimes you get really rare items. BUT ONLY SOMETIMES.
Or you should be able to buy them. Like people are talking about.

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
Like Uhm said great for Sinking TC also maybe they should pay Extra for no QI Restriction on the prizes they could get. And the lvl 1 box could be 1k or 10k and so on ^_^ Maybe 100tc box for horrible items like orc etc. and then 1k for stuff like cobra to vamp etc and then 10k for stuff like toxic force and lax pair and other forces and then finally the 100k ones for like JuaniXk said Void or Static or Velvet or Elf etc. Also maybe a wheel spin that costs 1$ each? It gives items on whatever it lands on u get the point XD Going down though not going left like wheel of fortune. The Item Pictures would be on the soles of the Wheel. Supported

Originally Posted by uhm View Post
thats the risk of buying something like this, you either lose 250k or get something you normally wouldnt be able to get
although this being usd only would be great because this is a free game and i think would be easier to match the prices of what they listed on the shop

Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
I think every tier should be able to get shit items.
But if the tier is higher than there is a change you get good items.

Because we're still talking about risking and tc sinking.

Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Hm... Yeah, once you get into higher tiers. You gain a box with goodies. It's like a reward. Doesn't seem too bad. Might want to be a little more expensive though.

Originally Posted by Retro View Post
Raise the pricing and sure, this would be pretty cool. It would be like magical sack, but accessible to the public.

I would definitely have the pricing be pretty high if it were going to consist of NO QI items like Void, one of the hardest colors to unlock QI wise.

Only problem I could see with this is RNG gods handing out some Demon Timers and silly things like that. That's part of the chance to risk getting a Surprise pack though, I suppose. In general, this would be pretty cool. I personally wouldn't spend 100k+ to get a elf ghost though.


Originally Posted by PlataBear View Post
So like FIFA pack style? Sounds ok to me, but it has to be really well thought out.

Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
After thinking about this idea for a while, you could have multiple tiers to buy.
Tier 1 - could be decent items, with a very, very small chance of getting a rare item (ie demon).
Tier 2 - Better items then tier one, and a greater chance to get a rare item.
Tier 3 - Much greater items, and a good chance to get a rare item
Tier 4 - Invariably contains a rare item
Tier 5 - Must be very, very expensive. Contains 5 or more items of tier 3 and up


Originally Posted by uhm View Post
wouldnt it be better to go the route of cs go
a undecided price for a "case"
different levels up items, like

cs go

might be a great way to sink tc or whatever, maybe 250k for a single case

CSGO with tiered cases.
I have literally not seen a worse idea since the "texturise everything" incident.
Last edited by EJXIII; Jun 18, 2015 at 08:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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