Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Euthanasia is just a euphemistic synonym substituting in place of "murder".
Although you're labeled as a murder you are still humane in a sense, for you are relieving an animal's pain and ultimately quickening an inevitable death.
However, who are you to play "god"?
I sense the main problem of this situation is that one cannot read an animal's thoughts the same way as a Humans. A sane human that is undoubtedly both in pain and is about to die may ask you to do them this favor. A torturous, lengthy death exchanged for a more quick and painless one; Ah! That sounds glorious and seems humane. However, one cannot speak to an animal in the same depth; we can only assume. Assumptions, especially in life or death situations, can not be tolerated.
tl;dr : It's based on morals; they can be good and bad.
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Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
how is euthenasia not described by that definition? euthenasia is unlawfull, it is premeditated and you are ending someones life, pretty much that exact definition.
the only part of it that is subject to change is the "lawfull" part.
only when euthenasia is made legal, is it not murder.

Animals aren't people. Murder applies to people.
I think you all are taking this to drastically. First off in my opinion it isn't murder because one animals are not people nor do they have a human soul and two because the meaning of "murder" is for another human to kill another human.

And honestly to answer your silly question ImmortalPig suffering is not bad. You have to put something in the get something out. Nothing comes effortlessly and neither does death.

And on the lines of human euthanesia I personally think it's immoral mainly because it's making life a choice that you can just take away because your in pain. Though this is just my personal opinion and clearly there's no such thing as objective truth soo...
Last edited by GoldenRox; May 7, 2015 at 05:03 PM.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
AThe commandment that says:
Thou shalt not kill

Was originally:
Thou shalt not MURDER

- - - - -

You say...
I killed the ant

I murdered the ant

- - - - -

Euthanesia is bad. Everyone must accept what life gives to you whether its bad or good. I know euthanesia kills the person(or animal since we talkin' 'bout animals) to stop his/her agony. Its one of these things you kinda get to choose from whether...

A. You see the person(or animal) you love. Watching the person(or animal) agonizing.
B. Ending the life of the person(or animal) you love but you wont get to see the person.

Choose A or B, you will never see the person(or animal) you love...

- - - - -

I know that we are talking about pets here... so... Its up to the owner's if they want to kill their animal or not. But still though, euthanesia is bad. You must accept what life gives you.

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
I'm completely for the euthanasia of both animals and humans. When I was working with Paramedics in the back of ambulances taking emergency calls, we would sometimes get people who are just flat out done with life. Their standard of living is horrendous, they don't spend an hour where they aren't in agony, they just want to die. Usually, only the law, or this religious idea that suicide means going to hell that stops them. I wish we could legally help people who have enjoyed their lives and are ready to die. When you see someone in their 80's and 90's, lived a full life, no regrets, and they simply have multiple incurable diseases making them be completely miserably... Well those people aren't living. Their brain and heart died years ago, their sacks of nervous systems reminding them just how shitty life is.
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I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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I'm completely pro-euthanasia, regarding any living being. Although it is different for people and animals, I have to say that if a person (or animal) is drastically effected by an injury/disease/etc that they have it is kinder to end their existence than to prolong their suffering. I'm not a cruel person, I truly feel for any living being, and I believe that sometimes things must be that way.
Originally Posted by ProIs1 View Post
I'm completely pro-euthanasia, regarding any living being. Although it is different for people and animals, I have to say that if a person (or animal) is drastically effected by an injury/disease/etc that they have it is kinder to end their existence than to prolong their suffering. I'm not a cruel person, I truly feel for any living being, and I believe that sometimes things must be that way.

Yeah, that's what I believe as well.

What about euthanasia on animals in shelters?
You know, like the ones who can't find a home.
Didn't really want to talk in this thread, but it won't hurt to give my opinion I guess.

Personally, I am pro-euthanasia for both humans and other animals. I do not enjoy the suffering of others and if there is absolutely no other option that would keep said animal/human alive and happy (and I don't mean becoming a brain-dead vegetable), the most humane thing to do would be to end the suffering.

As for the animals in shelters, not finding a home is not a condition worthy of euthanasia. Euthanasia is, I feel, to be reserved to the dying, not to the unfortunate. People should continue to be vigilant in finding homes for the sheltered animals as long as possible.
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]
Have to agree with diatie on the first page.

You guys are just arguing semantics between "animals aren't people" and "murder isn't the same as putting to death" or whatever. To answer the question and give my opinion

Is euthanasia good for people: yes, if they're in agony and request it they should be allowed

is euthanasia good for non-human animals: no animal wants to die, some may not have the capacity to understand death, but it's the same as how they shot horses with broken legs back in the day; if nothing can be done for the animal due to lack of means or equipment and there is a prolonged suffering factor I believe euthanasia is necessary if there's really zero survival chance. Although I don't personally agree with killing animals for ANY reason, but I understand why it's helpful.
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Originally Posted by Zayex View Post
Have to agree with diatie on the first page.

You guys are just arguing semantics between "animals aren't people" and "murder isn't the same as putting to death" or whatever. To answer the question and give my opinion

Is euthanasia good for people: yes, if they're in agony and request it they should be allowed

is euthanasia good for non-human animals: no animal wants to die, some may not have the capacity to understand death, but it's the same as how they shot horses with broken legs back in the day; if nothing can be done for the animal due to lack of means or equipment and there is a prolonged suffering factor I believe euthanasia is necessary if there's really zero survival chance. Although I don't personally agree with killing animals for ANY reason, but I understand why it's helpful.

probably the only time i'll agree with zayex, but yes, i completely agree with you, on both parts.

only if there's zero chance for animals. in a human's case, if they're in severe pain, even if they could survive, i'm still for it. if someone wants to die, let them. it's their life, not yours. that's just how i see it.

unfortunately, it's difficult to tell how much pain an animal's in; that's why i go with the "0% chance" thing.

also, the debate about what constitutes as murder is silly. surely everyone believes that the killing of any innocent being is murder, lawful or not. fuck it.