Yes theres definately a knack to the pole :P

Also can't get your replay to work properly, you need to update toribash.
Last edited by blun7y; Jun 13, 2015 at 10:44 AM.
Originally Posted by chimmy12 View Post
tbh i found the fiction is a bit high

The friction is set to default, apart from the white section.

Most, if not all of parkour mods I have seen use 10000 friction on surfaces,
I do understand what you mean though, I can run 10+ steps on the in game floor, but on an object floor I have trouble keeping my legs behind my core after just 2 steps.
Last edited by blun7y; Jun 13, 2015 at 10:52 AM.
Originally Posted by Waleedo3125 View Post
blun this is the replay(s)that i wanted to show you

Nice, Someone needs to teach me to run good :P
Originally Posted by callum137 View Post
this looks fun but i cant play it with freinds

why not? Im sure I uploaded it, and I am sure I have hosted it before :S I will go check.
Blun, this is by far my favorite parkour mod, it can be easy for nubs
(like meh) and hard for the pros (like mocucha) because the multiple choices
for the way to the finish. I love it and make more like this please
Chances are you are looking at one of my videos in the post above anyway, so here is my youtube channel.