Endurance Onslaught 6.0
In most duels you are forced to make a decision that can either win you the duel or lose it. Not many duels are cheap players lifting each other to win, I'm talking about high stakes, high profile duelers.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
I think I said this somewhere already, sorry if I did. Don't really remember.

In my opinion you can only decide on a good player when you look at solid statistics. Everything else, like style and whatnot, is simply subjective and there is no way how this could work. So what is the only statistic in Toribash that counts? Winning (let's be real we all know the rank system is banana). And if winning wasn't there in Toribash, it would be a stick figure animation program. It's the main component of the game. :v

And I don't talk about winrates at all, as there is no matchmaking in Toribash this would be too vague aswell since you can fight any lower player the whole day long aswell. The only factor combined with winning that is measurable is the ingame currency people tryhard fight about, Toricoins. So technically you can say the one who had the most TC through dueling is the best player of Toribash. And don't come with "but this and that doesn't duel and he is still better". Yea cool, if a tennis player who doesn't join any tourney or never won shit would say that you'd be like what aswell.

Oh yea there are also events and tourneys etc, but as we don't have anything in Toribash that matches "good players" only with each other in one big tournament we can't rely on anything like that aswell. And no, Clan League is a CLAN event.

Another problem is the variety of mods Toribash has and that everything combines so much individuality in each mod and and and ... oh yea replaymakers make use of every game rule change there is and we still think about them as best players because and and ....

TL;dR: Toribash lacks in tournament behavior in general. There is no universal mod that could combine all levels of skill at all and it's impossible to decide a best player through subjective views on playstyles or whatever anyone comes up with. As long as we don't have deciding factors and rules that are set or as long as we don't ban all mods but boxshu mushu we can never decide who is the best player and we can discuss that with dozens of new forum threads over and over again. Can we stop
I agree with everything you said and obviously it is technically impossblie to figure out who the best player is. I think what he wants is a list or some names who are recognised by the community as being really skilled and hard to beat.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
I don't thing there's a list with top X best players in Toribash because they don't really exist. There are good players, pro players, begginers, duelers, gambling people and etc. The definition of best in this game doesn't really exist.
lel fools. The answer of the thread is obviously deprav. I can whoop anyone's ass with the classiest style ever witnessed since the creation of Toribash.
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post
I don't thing there's a list with top X best players in Toribash because they don't really exist. There are good players, pro players, begginers, duelers, gambling people and etc. The definition of best in this game doesn't really exist.

Of course it exists, there has to be someone who can win more then everyone else.

It's impossible to not have a person with more wins then everybody else.

but we can't go around checking who has the best win ratio or the most wins.
Originally Posted by Bayless View Post
Of course it exists, there has to be someone who can win more then everyone else.

It's impossible to not have a person with more wins then everybody else.

but we can't go around checking who has the best win ratio or the most wins.

Dude can you just clear what names you actually want on this thread? I mean, I can give names and give my justifications but I'm not changing them to fit your criteria. If you have a specific set of criteria you want answered then dont use the word "best", use a more specific term like "flashiest player who can win fairly consistently".


Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
Hmmm... when I think about a fantastic player with great style, the first player that comes to mind is Biaker(lenshu3ng). I think once upon a time he said "The biggest reason why I don't have a higher win ratio is because I can't resist the opportunity to perform a sick spin or flip." Super heavy paraphrasing there, btw. Either way, I can attest to his skill, he looks like a work of art and rekts people at the same time.

I dont know much people from the old days and I honestly wouldnt be able to judge either way since the skill cap is bound to have raised even by a bit. From what Icky told me, he used to be a dueler and won most of the time. Now, I'm not too sure if he duels that much anymore but he's above average at the very least, I can beat him in a couple of matches in mods I'm fairly familiar with and he can beat me in ones he's fairly familiar with. So I hope that explains why I dont like comparing oldies to new gens.

Anyway, Lenshu3ng's my favorite mod by far, it's moderately easy to learn but difficult to master. That in mind, I absolutely adore anyone who can be a beast there and still show humility to an extent. Names of the people I just absolutely love playing lenshu with:

PouffyWall~ he's a good player, fairly good with saves, great at comebacks, has above average momentum understanding and is just quite a chill guy to hang out with. He's someone I'd go 2 v 2 with the other players I list.

Flow/Thieve888 ~ Oh thieve bby, where do i begin, fucking great at comebacks, fun to play with, he can kick ass while still having fun as long as the people arent too butthurt, he's my freaking mentor man, he showed me movement with hands, control of momentum, a couple of great openers and a lot of techniques that are guiding me through my lenshu experience

Alessandro ~ This guy man, this guy is basically a mix of pouffywall and Donny/ KOHTA/ Kouta/ Kou senpai, he's chill most of the time and fun to play with but his random shouts and expressions while playing are just so funny that you cant help but like the guy, he'll flame here and there to kinda get into your head (which is a sick strat IMO) but overall he's someone I love playing with

These are the three people I hang out with in lenshu most of the time, they may not be the best by other people's standards, but to me, they are the guys that are can wreck in lenshu while keeping it a clean and fun fight. Not to mention they can keep a decent convo while playing.

Special mentions in other mods I enjoy:

Kirakat~ like any mod ever, play with this guy and there's barely a dull moment, even in wars I see him fuck around but still get the win, I just find it refreshing to see someone that can keep tb a game than a competition while still being able to win

Scar~ aikido guy, idk his understanding of the go to moves just impress me

Ticux~ I recall seeing him when I first started and thinking, damn that guy's good, then seeing him in another mod and going how? what? he's good here too? unfair, I think he's just someone that's pretty well known by fairly older players and a few of the newer ones too

Hentai/Liar~ Concon's top 5 insane fights, just watch em and be in awe o.o