name: Dino
age: 14
country: Croatia
i was tested by lzlin
i will participed in many wars and i will be active everyday(i will do my best)
other games that i play are: Warframe, Gta 5, robocraft, Heroes and generals
hi my name is dino, im 14 years old and i live in Croatia i was tested by lzlin. i will participated in many wars and be active everyday(i will do my best in wars).
Other games that i play : Heroes and generals, Gta 5, robocraft, warframe, sometimes minecraft
Last edited by NinjaDino1; Aug 8, 2015 at 10:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
My name is Yasko
My Age is 14.
Country: Im from croatia c:.
Ingame almost all day and forums aswell.
i will participate in wars and events
Im active i do have a big intrest for other games
What other online games do you play:other games i play are COD,Warframe and Counter strike 1.6
Well to be in a great clan with awesome players and with a awesome leader and to have fun! c:
I'd be happy to test you both out. Try to find me ingame, I'm usually in the Penta lobby or a tourney. If you are unable to find me feel free to private message me and we can set up a time to try out.
Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm afraid of toasters.
Originally Posted by NinjaDino1 View Post
name: Dino
age: 14
country: Croatia
i was tested by lzlin
i will participed in many wars and i will be active everyday(i will do my best)
other games that i play are: Warframe, Gta 5, robocraft, Heroes and generals
hi my name is dino, im 14 years old and i live in Croatia i was tested by lzlin. i will participated in many wars and be active everyday(i will do my best in wars).
Other games that i play : Heroes and generals, Gta 5, robocraft, warframe, sometimes minecraft

Accepted don't worry already tested
Originally Posted by yasko123 View Post
My name is Yasko
My Age is 14.
Country: Im from croatia c:.
Ingame almost all day and forums aswell.
i will participate in wars and events
Im active i do have a big intrest for other games
What other online games do you play:other games i play are COD,Warframe and Counter strike 1.6
Well to be in a great clan with awesome players and with a awesome leader and to have fun! c:

Accepted already tested
Last edited by Darik144; Aug 9, 2015 at 06:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Boap Soap.
Name : Dimas
Age : 11
Country : Indonesian
My activity on Game and Forum 10/2
I will do my best to be in wars and participate in events
I am active in game and love all adventure and fighting games
I rarely play minecraft online
I want to join because the clan has a cool name and lots of good people


Describe your activity on forum and ingame: On the forums i just usually try to find a good clan (Wouldn't need to do that if i was recruited :P) but i guess i'd help as much as i can for the newcomers on this game sense i use to play this game all the (2-3 years) but forgot my pass for my account. In game all i do is just have fun but when i can ill tray to boost my rank and participate in tourneys to get tc.

Will you be participating in events/wars: Probably

Are you active and have an interest in games:yes

What other online games do you play:I use to play online games all the time but i really don't have one at this moment but you guys could suggest games i could play.


Why have you decided to apply to New Order: Mainly because demons are my THING and because we need to conquer toribash.
Denied. Tested and I don't believe you are good enough as of now.

Last edited by Boaplitas; Aug 21, 2015 at 10:57 PM.