Endurance Onslaught 6.0
"Beat then skeet" Amount of "re-doing" or "Editing" was making the clip just... awful to watch.

It's a cool replay tho! 8/10!
"B U R A K K U W A I T O A A M A A"
- B l a c k | W h i t e | A r m o r -
I dont like the knee dm, but the decap and the split was ok. work in your openers.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Hey bud, long time no see.

Skizz is now a ninja:

This is a pretty classic opener like 2008-2009, its pretty nice seeing people from newer generations add some more modern twists to it.

Kick was well placed, although I felt it was kinda late but not too much. Kinda confused on why you contracted your wrist and elbow only to relax them back, looked iffy to me.

Next kick was good because it created some symmetry in uke, but it could have been executed better in my opinion. If you look at it in slow motion you can see that you actually hit the torso first and then the leg slides down until it hits the glute making the kick look a little sloppy. Try and have the first thing you connect with the thing you want to break so no power is lost. Also fiddling around with the ankle can change your kick dramatically, try some out.

Manip kick was silly, but it did push uke into place so I'm not judging. You kinda went full tree afterwards though, could have done something to keep the audience interested its never really a good idea to hold all in the middle of a replay.

That transition into the kick was very well done though! I really liked it and getting a decap from that means you gathered quite the momentum from the kick off good work! The kick however did the little slide thing we talked about, if you manage to get a clean decap with the kick it would look very nice.


I am the ninja:

Wasn't a big fan of the first few manip hits they didn't really do much and was just really messy. :>

transition into the split kick was cool though, I love kicking off uke to give me more spin its a great little trick to know.

After all the build up it looked like you were going to kick with the right leg, but you kinda shifted away so you could kick with your left. Looks like you lost considerable power there.

Kick was really weird, I think because you kick with the left leg you were forced into kicking like this. Its pretty awkward and you got the whole slidy kick thing going again. Still got the dms though, but focus on your movement above all else.


crippling strikes:

Opener + knee dm was done really well, liked it.

The little spin thing was a little rocky, but the important part is that you were able to carry that flow and transfer it all into the direction you wanted to go to. Thats a major element in replay making so its really good to see.

Hit looked kinda weak though, always remember to follow through on your kicks. (Once you get the dm, keep the kick moving for 10 frames or so before moving onto the next part of the replay. Makes hits look a lot more powerful and more natural.)

the double hit was pretty good, but a lot of it was kinda blocked by your other joints. Try and think of not making a replay for yourself, but making it for the world around you (inb4 hippy nonsense). But it is true. Keep your viewer in mind, and try and allow the viewer to see what you are doing (but never forget the element of surprise ofc).

Also your pose at the end was very stiff, hang loose man! If you are stiff, its hard to convey an emotion to the viewer which I like to think the pose does. It kinda shows who you are as a replay maker because it allows you to express yourself without doing much but standing there. Or I'm looking to deep into this.

Either way, a big step up from what I saw last time. Keep growing man! Keep moving forward (while also having fun obviously), because the more practice you get the better you'll become. I want to see more from you, so I'll probably drop by whenever and see how you're doing. But until then, good luck on your replays man!
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