Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hmm.. Not bad stuff, but you need a bit more differentiation in your openers.

In general, I like your punches more than the kicks you do. Especially in the first batches.
Last edited by Vigilante; Oct 3, 2008 at 02:09 AM.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
Originally Posted by Rutzor
*two thumps up*

Was that an intentional pun? Sure looked like it :P

Fountain : Mmm. Smexy slice kick across the neck. You dragged your feet during the pose a little, tho. :P Momentum too much for ya? Oooh, and the blood trails look like an upside-down scimitar.

Next best thing : The strange starter had me wondering. Then you did a flip and I thought you would use a kick but no, you punched his head off that left a nice clean curved blood trail across the floor. Nice.

Sacrifice : Nice usage of all four of your limbs, lovely mid-air ballerina, delicious pose. What I liked was when you were spinning, you could see your hands and feet slowly turning white at the same time..beautiful.
thanks for the comments once again.

I have no new replays yet, long day at school (test week's over and I got a maximum day, 8.00-15.30, right in the stat -_-). One will be a remake of the spinning in the fountain replay, though. I did leave it pretty unfinished because the kick looked lame at the time and "didn't deserve" more work.

also vigilante's right about the openers. at least if he means the prepping position that I take to allow me to jump or lunge or whatever at uke. they're almost always one leg behind and one if front

and joonveen, at first I thought you saying it's beautiful how my hands and feet turn white while I spin, I thought it was a pun. Like as if you were accusing me of flailing my limbs too much so the blood escapes from them... although now I get three things: I didn't flail my arms, and you said spin anyways, not spin in the air, an thirdly, that way the limbs would look purple or red-spotted, cuz the blood gets stuck in there, not out of there.

@rutzor: actually it was an accident, I just tweaked the shoulder a bit, tried to get the arm straight down enough not to tip to the side and out in from enough so I won't fall at uke, and in the process I lodged it just nicely between uke and the floor solving the problem. actually it has happened a couple of times to me already, this was like at least the 6th.
Last edited by Archlurps; Oct 3, 2008 at 11:00 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Refreshing replays to say the least, though the latest replay post seems a bit rushed and therefore the quality does not truly match that which presents itself near the start of this thread.

But, very nice replays. I would like to see some variations with you, sambo gravity, increased dm, half madman, walking etc. as you certainly have the potential to do so.

Also looking forward to that remake of the fountain replay.

good show sir.
hmmh... there's a bit of a Goldwynism in that post, Yasiou. you say they're refreshing, but still they need some variation... but I do get the point and I agree. most of these replays were attempts to get a juicy aerial punch. now that that's out of the way, I can do something else.

that's where you helped me. I was fresh out of ideas, but you gave me a bundle. I started with walking. although I couldn't really get a single one to work as walking, it spawned other good replays

slo-mo flipping: maybe even fluid, but I wanted to be cautious. coulda demolished uke more, but since I'm a bit allergic to grabbing right now, I couldn't. started out as a failed first step for a walk, but I refined it so that it's designated for a flip sorta thing.
iz supraiz: "iz uke's birthday and I haz a surpraiz for him!" "don't wake him up! I's gonna tippy toesy to him" "Oh scratch it, he see'd me... superlunge!!!" "Uke, UKE! looky what's i gotz for you! mah foot!". btw, it's my birthday on the 16th of october *whistles*...
U go first, I's gonna cover your backz: not exactly what you'd expect from manipulation, but see for yourself. and JV, don't you call the jump spastic. it's NOT.

... Yeah, I like lolcat

btw, first time in quite a while I have a replay left over for the next bunch. haven't done the fountain remix yet tho.
Attached Files
1 slo-mo flipping.rpl (204.5 KB, 10 views)
1 iz supraiz.rpl (261.4 KB, 11 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Slo-mo flipping: I likes teh smexy blood trails. Ooooo.

iz supraiz: LOL. It's real funny if you imagine Tori actually saying that. And then after the superlunge he whacks Uke's head to wake him up..and..CRRRACK. Oh, and happy early birthday in advance :O

U go first: I like the twist kick launch, nice little chase thar too. And no, the jump wasn't spastic, it was actually quite a nice "dance"-like jump..although you coulda left the chest split out, it kinda spoils it somewhat IMO. But it works fine that way too. Blargh, I'd hate to have you at my back.

I haz just woke up..yawn..oo and it seems we both have some replays left over. :P
thanks razle, for seeing the first ones. cheezburger was my favourite of the bunch too

If you liked them, there's no reason you wouldn't like the rest.

anyways, I hope there'll be more comments today (even the regulars?)... don't wanna put too many replays too fast, would hurt their views.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I owe you some, so-
Slo-mo flipping- I like the launch, but I wasn't a big fan of the kick, it was just sorta awkward.
supraiz- I liked this one, though. The split was unexpected, and so was the... launch, walk, thing.
u go first- Great replay. I was loling all over. My only slight complaint was that you kept your knee contracted, but now I'm just nitpicking.
- We're arguing for the sake of arguing -
Nabi is smart- we can't quote people's moments of stupidity in our sigs.
not nitpicking at all. actually that contracted knee was the one thing I didn't like in the replay. so we're on the same wavelength here. I don't share your opinion about the kick in slo-mo flipping though. or well, it's a bit towards awkward, but not exactly that bad.

I'm gonna post one replay in this post and save an actual bunch for later... still a bit too quiet for a whole three replays...

fountain - more like this: Here's the non-stiff edit I promised. put it into the "random/weir stuff" category so it won't clutter up the original. Too bad you can't use question marks in replay names... woulda suited this one really well
Attached Files
9 fountain - more like this.rpl (115.5 KB, 9 views)
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!