Ohh emm gee? :O!
Ill take a random one of mahself doing sumthing random.
[05:39] [√]╒ace: This coffee taste like anus
Originally Posted by Cindermomo View Post
Okay, after phosphine's, no more drawings of your self >.> I suck at them.

Why do such lies litter this thread D:!?

Your rock at them
My Sig :D
: D
Originally Posted by Phosphine View Post
Why do such lies litter this thread D:!?

Your rock at them

Ohh dang, Didnt read that. :/
Ill pay 1k for mahself. D:
[05:39] [√]╒ace: This coffee taste like anus
:O Can you do one of the Shoop da Whoop.... well... whooping? Make him say something like NOM NOM NOM.
: Phil's Custom Shop
When god gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD.
lol its perfect some reason it reminds me of that guy wonkymoose lol

its perfect mr cinder
JaCk Is BaCk