Endurance Onslaught 6.0
H1 1 @m L33t P@y3r Plz let m3 j01n hanted. i am very goods at toribash
i play toribash 10 mins a week i am very active plz accept me cause its christmas and i really wanna join plz i am very good so plz just accept me and i am gamer grill so u should accept me for hot pics of my hot boddy so just plz accccept me causei am howt grill and i will suck yaysians dick to j9oin hanted so plz let me join cause i love you all so plz for my birthday which is tommrow and my doggy died so plz let me join ill be a good grill so plz and tank you guys in advance for letting me join hanted cause i am l33t payer and i bankrupt a yellow belt before andi am very active thanks for letting mt join hanted i am very god player i work really hard on dis ap so plz let me join ive always admired you guys and i love yaysians hot chest si thanks for letting me join.I like peoplez and i am obvs a grill so buy me freestuff cause im a grill. and cause im a grill u must hug me. cause im a grill you must buy me everything. im a grill ill send you pics 4 tcz.

~kbai Hot gaymer grill
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This is a good example of a app
Last edited by duckmech; Dec 25, 2015 at 10:39 PM.
[2:36:37 AM] ~Yay: "Large, small or inbetweener, nothing beats a cleaner weener."
Get outta mah thread and stay outta mah shed!!!! D:<
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
Plz let me join ill suck your one inche wonder
[2:36:37 AM] ~Yay: "Large, small or inbetweener, nothing beats a cleaner weener."
R.I.P Haunted recruitment thread. You will be missed...
I don't know why this is here but look at my threads! (I have a replay thread with no replays)
Originally Posted by noob9226 View Post
hello I'm noob9226 I'm good at xspar parkour and mushu I'm a 3th dan black belt.

Gonna go ahead and say you're denied have a good day!
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.
Savagery but fair very very fair
I don't know why this is here but look at my threads! (I have a replay thread with no replays)
Praise Yaysian Im sgrampage im 2nd dan and im very active.
I like judo and mushu.
I don´t know how to send the replays sorry
I want to join Haunted becouse i play with many of u so thats nice and i think that Haunted will be the best clan of the world and im going to help us in that.
A strong effort if u want i can play when u or the others members said me i can miss high school for the game