Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by GamingPro928 View Post
Name: Gamingpro928

Nicknames:Gaming, GP, GPro

Age: 16

Belt: 4th dan

Fav. Mod: Any mod with shu at the end

Skype: Don't you have it already if you don't its GamingPro928

JackAzz'z That I Know: Steel, Wild, Entrance, Dab, and DatBooty

Forum/Game Activity: Anytime I can get on so effectively 5 hours a day 7 days a week

Interesting Things: I have started making sets, I like to draw, skate, and I'm also in a band called Nuclear Anarchists.


Best Mods: Wushu, Mushu, and Boxshu

Hey mabey you guys could use this format for applications

You are accepted but if you leave the clan again you won't be reaccepted. Welcome back.

(Smile) Smile - Unofficial

>>(Smile) Clan Link <<

(TB) ToriBash - Unofficial

>>(TB) Clan Link <<

(Dragon) Dragon - Unofficial

>>(Dragon) Clan Link <<

(Shout) Shouting - Unofficial

>>(Shout) Clan Link <<

(RL) Reckless - Unofficial

>>(RL) Clan Link <<

(PowPow) Power Punch - Unofficial

>>(PowPow) Clan Link <<


Last edited by JackAzzClan; Sep 20, 2016 at 08:31 PM.

• Read the whole Clan Rules on this page and the Clan info before you will go to Apply.
• Fill out the Application exactly like the example provided and leave the post at the Application Thread.
• Leave unrelated and unnecessary details out of your application. (ex. your dog's name, other games you play, and so on)
• We will get to know you if you are ACCEPTED, this Application is to see whether you meet the basic criteria in order to join our Clan.
• Check the Application Thread often after you apply.
• If a Recruiter tells you to edit your Application, do so in the time specified or you are rejected.
• If you are REJECTED due to Application format you have a chance to reapply within a certain waiting time. (after 3 Weeks or more)
• If you leave our Clan (accidentally or not) and rejoin you will lose your old Rank and your time in Trial Rank will double.
• If you need Help with your Application than read the Application Help. (How to Apply step by step)
• You will be automatically rejected if:
••••-You have alts in other Clans.
••••-You copy/paste an Application you used on another Clan.
••••-You apply for three or more Clans within the past week.

• Regular activity in forum is required. (ex: Clan Thread etc.)
• Everyone who is going to be Forum inactive for more than 7 days, should post an Inactivity Notice. (read General Rules for more infos.)
• Follow the General Rules.

• Regular activity in-game is required.
• No Rage Quit.
• Everyone who is going to be in-game inactive for more than 7 days, should post an Inactivity Notice. (read General Rules for more infos.)
• Follow the General Rules.

• Avoid spam. (your posts should convey a proper message)
• Respect everyone. (Be respectful to other Clan Members and the Toribash Community)
• No multi-clanning.
• No active alts Accounts.
• No begging for promotions.
• No scamming, flooding, racism, porn, sexism, flaming, trolling etc. in-game and Forum.
• Be loyal Member.
• Follow all the Toribash Global Rules.
• Because we are an international Family, we speak only English.
• Everyone who is going to be Inactive for more than 7 days, should fill out this Inactivity Form/Layout at the Clan Thread in order to not be punished for inactivity.
• You can post an Inactivity notice for someone else, if the person themselves are unable to.

If you have any Questions or concerns with the Clan Rules, please talk to a Leader / (Team Member)

*If you don't RESPECT our Clan Rules you will get immediately kicked or warned (Three Warnings = KICK)
Last edited by JackAzzClan; Jun 20, 2016 at 10:22 PM.

Application Help

(step by step)

1.- Before you apply read all the Clan Rules and make sure you understand them.

2.- Copy the Example we have provided and fill it all out. Do not make your own form or use another Clan's Application Layout.

3.- Before you post your application make sure everything is correct and you answered all criteria.
___Do not lie in your Application. (if you don't have an answer put N/A)
___Your Application is the first impression about you so give your best.

4.- After you are finished, post your application in our Application Thread.

5.- After posting your application check the Application Thread often. The recruiter may have some issues you need to fix.

Good luck.

Last edited by JackAzzClan; Nov 6, 2016 at 12:58 PM.
Originally Posted by GamingPro928 View Post
Nice to be a JackAzz again

welcome back ^^
The average human body contains enough human bones to make up an entire human skeleton... loll wut? xD

Apply to become a Member of the JackAzz-CLAN.

Apply to become a Member of the Clan Team. (ex: Recruiter, Cleaner, W/E Manager etc.)

Last edited by JackAzzClan; Apr 29, 2016 at 04:53 PM.

Fill out the Application exactly like the example provided and leave the post at the Application Thread.

Application Form/Layout



Activity in-game(1-7 days a week):

Activity in the forum(1-7 days a week):

Skype Username: *optional

Mods skilled in:

Toribash related skills(art, replays, videos, etc.):

Where did you hear about this Clan:

Reason you want to join JackAzz-CLAN:

JackAzz Members you know:

Previous Clans you've been in:

How long you were in them:

Reason you left / was kicked:

Have you read the Clan Rules:

Do you accept the Clan Rules:

Notes / Feedback: *optional

Last edited by JackAzzClan; May 27, 2016 at 12:02 PM.