Originally Posted by aidywu29 View Post
pure force 25k
pm me

do you want be my holder ?

Originally Posted by Raven View Post
Full aqua 5k

Both boxing gloves.
Offer pls
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Originally Posted by Apixelated View Post
How much for my items?(Dont offer on all,you only have 100k)

Full 128 20k

Originally Posted by BennyKimanoto View Post
Both boxing gloves.
Offer pls

not interested
Toretto I will be your holder for the pure force if you need it

your offer for the full aqua is too low.
Turning over a new leaf!
Toretto I will be your holder for the pure force if you need it

mmm, thanks, i'll see it after.

i'll keep my offer on the full aqua : 2k.