Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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cool guy move.rpl (46.8 KB, 3 views)
God.rpl (82.6 KB, 3 views)
LOLLLL.rpl (40.9 KB, 3 views)
OH MY GOD.rpl (43.8 KB, 3 views)
splitem.rpl (57.9 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Frosy; Jan 3, 2017 at 10:24 PM. Reason: I quit tb
Hello, I am Budsi/Brooke, and I am 14. I recently stopped coming on for like 5 months mainly because my clan was very inactive so it led me to become more inactive, but I just started playing again. My gmt is -5 and I live in the US. I do have a skype and it is Budsaii so feel free to add me to any chat or something if you have one.

I have been on toribash since I was 9 lmao. Back then I sucked obviously and played jousing 24/7. However, I eventually got into abd, and got pretty good at it. The first real clan I joined was WaR. Lurk and I actually applied at the same time, and we later on became friends and have talked a bit recently. I ended up becoming one of the leaders of WaR, but it eventually died so I decided to leave. The next clan I joined was cheat, but I went on vacation for like a week and when I came back I was practically the only one left, so I left. Then I joined Idle which I think lurk was also a part of. Basically the same thing that happened with WaR happened, I became a leader with Noel after a while of being in it but it died so we left. I then joined Inq and was in that for a while but a lot of people started to leave so me and Noel did too. Finally, we ended up in vibe and I recently left that because it was so inactive.

I want to join Power because it is pretty much my favorite type of clan to be in. You guys war a lot which I enjoy doing and it keeps me active. It is also a new clan so it is well on its way to being a higher rank and becoming official, which I love to be a part of. There are also many members who I have been good friends with in the past like halo, lurk, stone, etc.

I can offer multiple things like abd skill (once I'm back how I used to be which might be a few days) for wars, and activity. I am very active on forums, so that wouldn't be a problem at all. I also don't have any numbers in my name so it will continue that trend lmao. I alsoo kind of make replays and spar a bit but I haven't done that in a long time. I'll probably add a replay or something to show. I alsooooo play rk and other mods similar to that a lot so if we do CL i could play in those mods.

Most of my abd replays are pretty old and stupid lol but I'll add a few random ones.
Attached Files
#Budsi- Wat.rpl (209.2 KB, 6 views)
Abd- [S] Save with chab.rpl (77.4 KB, 4 views)
rk- split decapo.rpl (71.5 KB, 4 views)

~accepted as Trial, Welcome and Good luck.


~Rejected, sorry
Last edited by Kratos; Jan 9, 2017 at 04:46 PM.
Hi may i join your clan,i may not be a 2nd dan on my acount by my old account is a third danblack.I have over a year of experience i am mature,dont have a skype.to be active on forums do i have to post. i dont know how to post on clan page. from lilfishy1 i am very active aswell
i am sorry lilfishy, as amazingly spectacularly perfectly wonderfully 9/10 your app is, you put 0 effort into it and ur a brown belt. you're rejected, sorry. from budsi
Last edited by Budsi; Feb 12, 2017 at 05:47 AM. Reason: wow i wrote your instead of you're smh
hi, i haven't been a part of a clan in a while, so i thought that i should apply to one, and i feel like this (P)ower would be a good one for me to apply to.

so, my name is Ancient or Erik and i'm 12 years old, and i'm in sixth grade. i had a name change before, my previous name was Realmee. i've been playing this game for 3 years now, and not to be a bigot, but i think im pretty good. if you need further evidence, you can always find me in-game and play with me. i have a few hobbies, i only do one mainly, which is sitting on my fat ass and with my oily fingers tapping on certain buttons or clicking with certain apparatus for fun. i originate from Latvia, a country in europe, its above Lithuania and below Estonia. my mother tongue is Latvian, but since living in Ireland requires you to speak more in English, that makes my main language be English. i'm pretty active on the forums, not that much on the game, but i do both of them daily.

i want to join because i feel like i would be a good addition to the clan, i can help with wars and ingame and forum activity, i've been in some clans, but the ones that i can remember are FC i don't really remember what happened there, Nitro there was a feud with one dumb dude over skype who invited his blue belt friend and kicked me for telling him to kick him, Blast happened two years ago dont know MoEnergy(thats an old one) clan died. and i cant really remember any more. i'm kind of good on most of the mods, except lenshu and rkmma and ninjutsu. everything else i'm pretty good. i duel a bit too, mostly on boxshu mushu though. there aren't really many people that i know in this clan, except for budsi and haloyoung, but i dont think he actually remembers me. i'm willing to make friends!!! i have a skype and a discord as well, i'm going to say them both if i get accepted, cause its got my rl on it B)

that's all i guess, if you guys have got any more questions, you can ask me.

thanks for reading
Last edited by ancient; Jan 21, 2017 at 09:30 PM.
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Hey Power Clan! I would love to join this clan because I love to at least become a bit better at playing Aikido Big Dojo Mod, because I started getting into this mod from my past clan (Pure) aka (HL). I want to improve my skills to show off how much improvement that I've made over the years. I've had this game for almost 4 years so 3 years to be exact. By the way I am 4th dan black belt, and I am 16 years old. I usually like playing mushu a lot too, but I want to start learning more openers for ABD(AikidoBigDojo). It's fun learning new mods that I don't do much! So anyways, my real name is "Rush Rosvall(Rose-Vaul)" I didn't make up my first name Rush even though you may have never heard a name like that before, but guess what... my last name is based on a Sweden name! When it comes to me with custom servers, I usually like ABD matches and/or Spars. I usually get in to a lot of trips with my real life friends as my hobby. This clan seems pretty cool, and I would love to be invited to this "Power(ful)" Clan. Well because I want to know how to get better on Aikido Big Dojo Mod, it's been a popular mod and a lot of people come towards playing this mod. So I thought of being involved in a clan where I can learn from these good players that plays ABD a lot! Yes, I had a past clan called (Pure) aka (HL) I learned they didn't do well on treating the players well and the clan has been dying, so I thought I would leave it because I didn't want to be the only person online all the time with no clan mates active in-game. I joined, it looks like this clan has been active pretty much and I've battled one of your clan members and one of them are pretty tough and good at Aikido Big Dojo mod. So I thought of beginning this mod including this clan too so I can have fun with people and enjoy the game. I favor this game so I would do anything to keep my game. (except stupid things people dares me to do to keep my game.) I could help this clan out by being active as much as possible in this clan so others won't think it's as dead.
activity: 9/10
Reason To Join: I want to have fun improving skill on ABD(AikidoBigDojo) mod with clan mates.
Fan Mods: Mushu, I love mushu but I want to play ABD more now.
People I know: I know Juan, very talented players. I love that guy. Also Dare, He's been in my past clan wars. Enjoying to watch our war matches agains other clans. Haloyoung, I know him, he's pretty silly but at the same time. he's pretty chill....

Replays: In clan threads I usually post sparring/ABD replays to show my skill and style to other members.

My Story: I live in the United States Of America, Utah state. I am 16 years old and I like going out to trips with real life friends as my hobby. I left Pure/HL because the clan was a little too easy, and dead, so I thought I move to a new different and better clan like this one maybe. I don't like being online myself on Toribash with offline members, I want to hang with people to have fun with the clan! Finally, my name is Rush Rosvall(Rose-Vaul)

*MESSAGE* I hope I get accepted, I would love to be applying for Power. I took my time on it and I thought it was tough to do for an hour and 36 minutes. Yes I have been watching the time lol. Thanks for taking your time to reading this, because I took awhile making this post for you such as *Kratos*. I hope I get accepted! I'll be good to be in a clan like this. ;)

Thank You,
Rush Rosvall