cantreach: It's allright, but not cool enough to justify the grabbing. kudos on the perfect balance pose though.
decapmovebelly: this is more like it! you grab uke, but the corelaunch with a _two-part abdominal part_ removed more than makes up for it. great work. the near-perfect balance tops it off beautifully
dropkick 12: I'm not sure who's right and who's wrong here, but I always thought dropkics are hook kicks with usually a slightly more extended position at impact that are executed (near-)vertically so that gravity gives them more power... Anyhow, whatever we call it, the kick is great! A lot like one of yoshimitsu's attacks in tekken, or one of the running attacks. Again, the perfect balance gives it a bit more of an edge.
funnypunchingpose: I don't like tap punches (nor tapkicks), so this looks a lot worse in my eyes than someone else's... I can't really comment this objectively.
KneesDecapHead: not the most usual dismemberment pattern, which is a good thing. The name tricked me into thinking that you still can't tell dismemberments from decaps, so if you don't want that, watch out with names like this. Anyhow, great replay... Would love it if someone dismembered uke's knees and elbows and then rattled him aroung like a ragdoll... would look sick.
takethismatie: at first I though this was awesome... and it does look so, but the nubclaps make it way easier to do, so I don't like it. the rest of the grabbing isn't that bad though, since you only hold onto uke for leverage and placement.
rippingmad122: I don't really like ripping either, actually in msot cases I hate it. This time, though I don't since you made it look more brutal and toilsome than usual. The replay's good, but I can't call it great because of the ripping. You're a real pro with perfect balance, aren't you?
TenderTender: Really a pity that you seem to really like the very things I hate: easy-looking ripping and "prop" stuff (things that don't really add to the replay, like "seizing" before the attacks, dialogue or useless strikes like here). This is because since you manage to make replays I consider good while still doing the things I don't like, you would probably make great replays (again, in my opinion), if you didn't do that in the first place. This one is better than good, but the ripping bothers me... and the excessive grabbing in general.
funnykicking12: well there you go, this one I think is great. To make things clear, i don't consider the flipping "props" because it is hard and looks good and hence adds to the replay. The same goes for the kicking around of the head in the end. The grabbing is the only small defect I can find in this replay, and that's really minor.
PowYourDead: there are very few things that in my mind pay back for grabbing uke without making the replay any worse than it would be with the same dismemberments, similar strikes, but without grabbing. One of them is a madman that cuts uke in two parts early on, like this one. also the rip in the end is nice and brutal, doesn't look like uke is brittle as a charred ice lolly stick. great replay!
ChickenDecoyHeel: this is probably the best toribash example of what I call a dropkick (although with the low gravity, or rather, light toriand uke, this one is more leverage- than gravity-aided). very stylish, and although some people (not including me) don't think they look good, decaps striking the top of the head are harder to do than ones that aim at the neck or the side/front/back of the head.
OneHandSpring: very good, and the perfect balance helps you a lot. Not quite a "great", though, because I find single strike replays that dismember one arm and the head, but not the other arm, worse than ones that only dismember the head, let alone those that dismember the head and both arms.
dance-decap332: not all that bad after you let go of your own foot for the first time. could be more fluid (the dancing), but it's good as it is.
spin2spin2decap: Again the spinning is hard and rather stylish, so I don't take it as "props". the decap wasn't that special, but the spinning sorta makes up for it... I didn't catch whether or not it was a grabby punch... Didn't look like one.
I refuse to grab.
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