Original Post
Floor is Lava 2

Welcome to another ES replay-making event!
This time you will be tasked with traversing the environment and reaching Uke.

Map Preview

1. Replay hacking is forbidden
2. Don't change any of the game rules except for turn frames
3. Do not steal others replays
4. Your whole Tori must make it into the red end zone
5. Do not edit uke's joints

Go to the News tab in the game client and choose "FLOOR IS LAVA 2" event and press the "Participate" button on bottom right. Once you reach the end zone click the "Submit" button on the bottom of your screen - pressing it will allow you to upload your replay for ES to review. The client will automatically mark the advanced task as complete if the blue checkpoint is reached. Additionally after hitting "Participate" you can click "Load Custom Replay" in the bottom right to upload preexisting replays provided they're on the same mod as the event. Keep in mind that we will only judge the FIRST replay you upload that way, and if you want to change your entry to a different replay, you need to upload it on forums.

Download the attached mod and put it in your mods folder in game client. Load it, create your replay and save it, and then make a post in this thread with your replay attached to it. If you're uploading a second entry after uploading the first one with in-game interface, please mention that. If you want to modify your replay before the deadline, edit your post and add a different replay instead, don't make a new post for each replay.

5,000 Toricredits
2 Shiai Tokens

12,000 Toricredits
4 Shiai Tokens

80,000 ToriCredits
8 Shiai Tokens

We will stop accepting new entries on March 19th, 16:00/4 PM UTC
Attached Files
floorislava2.tbm (13.5 KB, 59 views)
Last edited by Fool; Mar 4, 2021 at 08:51 AM.
Super Moderator Discord: Aliosa#5260 ; If you have any questions feel free to PM me
Originally Posted by channelXXX View Post
Thanks for the event! In-game upload thing got bugged, uploading here

It worked, your reward has been sent.
Super Moderator Discord: Aliosa#5260 ; If you have any questions feel free to PM me
I was going to do so much more but got busy and then life and now it's 3 am before it's due so hi <3 i love yall thanks for this, keep making events por favor
Attached Files
Floor Is Lavalamp.rpl (1.59 MB, 42 views)
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
Hey everyone, event is over. We will start judging to find the best replay. All remaining prizes will be sent soon! Hope you all had fun.
Super Moderator Discord: Aliosa#5260 ; If you have any questions feel free to PM me
Congrats to Rcrichman for making the best replay!

Prizes will be sent shortly! Thanks to everyone who participated, hope you all had fun! Looking forward to seeing you all again on the next event!
Super Moderator Discord: Aliosa#5260 ; If you have any questions feel free to PM me
How come i didn't get any rewards? My replay was submitted though the game client. The name of the replay was "is this replay gonna show my tori get wrecked by lava again.rpl". I guess replay did get corrupt again...
Looks like it was corrupt, yes. What's the game version you're using, is it the latest one? Your submission is the only corrupt one that I see out of what ES have judged.