Okayzies, next question, whats your take on the Chris Rock and Will Smith fiasco

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Okayzies, next question, whats your take on the Chris Rock and Will Smith fiasco

I was really shocked when that happened lol. Finally something that gives the Oscars awards more attention!

Will Smith slapped Chris, so it's definitely a battery. People who were there saw it, millions of people around the world saw it, there are a lot of witnesses, and he can definitely be prosecuted for it.

I don't think it's a self-defense act. There are only four categories of situations in which the criminal law permits, or rather not punish, a person after committing a criminal act, those are: Self-defense, Duress, Insanity, and Necessity. Defending your wife from hurtful words does not qualify as a justification for using self-defense or any kind of force against another person. Words, no matter how offensive, and acts that are not threatening, are not enough to justify an assault or battery.

Penalties for a battery charge can be considered a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the seriousness of the injury, whether a weapon was used, and whether the person was injured. Chris when he got slapped it looked like he could stand on his feet and continue to joke as if it wasn't a big deal, and he didn't really suffer any long lasting injury or pain. Will did not punch Chris, he only slapped him. So if potential charges came they're not going to be to the maximum.

I think it was a one awful joke from Chris and Will got really upset about it, and thus, Will committed a legal wrong by slapping Chris. Chris didn't press any charges, so I assume that both parties apologized to each other and moved on with their lives. Definitely an interesting topic though.

Also, no one has all five cases answered correctly yet!
the world is as beautiful as what you make it out to be
I will have to answer this and provided that we don't have enough information for all of them.
1) not guilty
2) not guilty3) not guilty
4) not guilty
5) not guilty

sadly i didn't state all the reasons but yeah i bet i am right
Last edited by Zwar; Apr 3, 2022 at 10:56 AM.
Why would humans have arms when they do have legs?
No, nobody had them all right unfortunately.

I regret making the deadline too long. If this one ended and no one answered them all correctly, I will make another one but this time the questions are going to be more easier, and I'll also provide you all with the factors you need to look for when deciding to answer the cases.
the world is as beautiful as what you make it out to be
1. not guilty, he couldn't have murdered both people if alex killed his wife, plus he never admitted to killing alex, he just said he planned to.
2. yes, when you bid you have to it honor it.
3. no, not only is it a private exchange without a contract, but it isnt the item promised.
4. if alexander had not seen the letter before getting another job, it is untruthful for the owner of the US company to say he has a contract with them, even though his original reply to them was signed, it was an offer, after it was accepted he had to have sent another signed message to be considered a full contract.
5. it is a valid contract, no matter the state of the person writing a contract is a contract and must be fulfilled by the law.
oh wait i didnt read the deadline lmao there goes like 40 minutes of my life
Last edited by Nurse; Apr 17, 2022 at 12:44 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It ended. I thought the deadline was on the 21th of April but oh well. Here are the correct answers to every case:

Case 1 Answer

Case 2 Answer

Case 3 Answer

Case 4 Answer

Case 5 Answer

ThirtyThreeTen and Icky had the closest answers. Only were off by just 1

I will give you all a second chance to get this pack. I will make another thread like this but this time it's going to be easier, and I'll give you what you need to look for when deciding the case so you can be a well informed judge and jury!
the world is as beautiful as what you make it out to be