epic man

BTW are you comfortable with telling me what program you use for the globes?
I'm tired of GIMP screwing up the colors of my better heads.

(The cheap ones can stay effed up :-)

Or if you don't want to post it, could u pm me?
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
I will PM you the program and the saved file which I use as a template for those. I used it to make the realistic robot (but the objects have to be modeled and placed themselves).
i would buy one but three reasons not to
1:gotta buy my sig
2:gotta buy my avi
3:i don't have head texture(lol)
i fully support this shop though for it makes awsome heads cheap and good or better and pricey!
(p.s how do i get head texture cos i'm a no0b...)