
Originally Posted by Aadame View Post
I don't see any problem with re-inviting you if you'll ... prove to be active here

make this a thing first and I'll invite you in few days

Originally Posted by Revx View Post
Sadly we dont, always been a big fan of your videos doe, the edit is just amazing. Also, I'm pretty amazed by rubik's cube "pros", can you show me a video? I love seeing fast hands moving all around the cube it's so amazing and weird at the same time

That's super cool to hear I don't realy have much footage of my speedcubing (at least nothing worthy) but there are some clips

some clips

~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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I love it! Unfortunately, I can't really give you tricks because I'm bad at it but it's exactly what I was looking for! You also have a great talent, if you practice a bit, you could maybe beat a record? :0 Anyways that's pretty nice to talk to you for the first time since the beginning of time, I always look for you in game but never found. Now I can say that I found your fav spot!
Find me ingame and duel me
No problem aadame I'll try to be as active as I can, but college is eating up my time like crazy. If you want to see me, in-game would be your best bet. I'm online almost every day
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Yeah I probably won't beat any world record anytime soon Search up Feliks Zemdegs or Marcin Maskow Kowalczyk, they're WR holders and man I'd have to spend much more time on speedcubing to even get close
Nowadays I teach kids how to dance and that will be my source of money in near future, I'd rather focus on that instead.
Karbn, I'm not ingame that often, even tho I did a spar yesterday and damn it was fun and no worries, I understand the college thing
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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Well re-inviting is something that was talked about long time ago when the boss was around, you must re-apply and gain approval of at least 3 in the clan for you to get back in.
But since you left Vector, Karbn, because it's dead and you left your clan because Vector is a little bit more active now I'm giving you an early no, good luck with that (recall my position in this clan). But again, invaders are welcome as far as I can tell.

@Aadame: there's always 5 minutes to open the forum for a little bit, such as myself.
I have a lot of work nowadays I still find time to play some games or have a little chat every now and then, I'm living the dream^
Also, good to have you back buddy ^-^
█████ Vector █████
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Aadame: You spar? are you good at it? I'm actually trying to start sparring but its kinda hard and playing with good sparrers would probably help me. Is there any way that we could have an ingame session together or with other members?
Find me ingame and duel me
Originally Posted by patrickooo View Post
Well re-inviting is something that was talked about long time ago when the boss was around, you must re-apply and gain approval of at least 3 in the clan for you to get back in.
But since you left Vector, Karbn, because it's dead and you left your clan because Vector is a little bit more active now I'm giving you an early no, good luck with that (recall my position in this clan). But again, invaders are welcome as far as I can tell.

Hey, I understand where you're coming from. It saddens me to have you give me a no, but I understand why you did it. Yes, I left vector because it was dead and didn't seem to be coming back anytime soon. Rune demanded that I join a new clan that he started, and I agreed. There's no excuse there.

Although I left vector, it still feels like more of a home than NS ever was, and I'd love to rejoin the clan once more. My replays have improved quite alot, so I'll submit some more once I get home. Hopefully I can change your answer later on
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Of course I spar I used to be better at it but I'm getting back to shape. I did a spar yesterday with an old friend of mine and ex-vector member, still pretty rusty but it was lots of fun ;) About the ingame session, why not.

Kabrn, I also think you should re-apply, it'd make things easier.

Patrickokoookkcookcockokkkokoko, i honestly never saw that "3 man approval rule" tbh, if he proves to be active and skilled enough to bea part of Vector then I don't see anything agains re-inviting but I see your point, clan leaving kinda sucks but I've done it myself I think (I rejoined Hunters if I'm not mistaken). Also we don't really have 3 active so called "high-rank-members" at this moment xD
It's good to be back, nice to see you're still around too

Btw. you guys think it would be possible to become toribash legend by videomaking?
Last edited by Aadame; Oct 4, 2017 at 12:47 AM.
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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Great! I'd love to do a sparring or any mod session with you! Just tell me when and I'll try my best to be here! Also, videomaking can make you known, but not torilegend unfortunately. To become a torilegend, you have to do something related directly to the game, 1. Be extremely good at a mod or two or one hundred who cares 2. Alot with attitude, someone like wounder (being offensive isn't my objective) is really good, but sometimes has a really bad attitude, you basically have to like everyone. Someone like Diamond is most likely to become a torilegend (and Diamond has been proposed many times, he's probably getting the title soon)
Find me ingame and duel me
Sure, give me your discord or something I'll talk to you there.

Well shit let me throw like 10 insane edits (I mean creative af, I have many ideas like actuall toribash IRL, tori vs uke 2, some movie-like thing (maybe less cringy than most of tori-movies)) and see what happends. Then if that's not releated directly to the game, that's kinda shame. I think it's achieveable (is this even a word?) at least I'm gonna try xD cuz you never know untill you know, you know?
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
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