Skitz:I hope you can speak romanian, cuz i am from Romania, too! And your app is veeery good! YES
Dark:I have some doubts that you will not be active on forums, and this is something real. I don't know what to say, but if you tell us that you play good in almost every mod, I will test you in ABD and Taekkyon.
I swear you say Yes to everything Soldier!

I don't doubt you, saying no and having a heart while doing it is pretty hard.

No for both.
I would like to add that Sparky is my hoe, so stealing him is an automatic N.O.

Thank you for your time.
Last edited by Team; Apr 11, 2015 at 08:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Liquor saved my life but it didn't save my wife

Skitzofrenic is actually quite talented at ABD. He's been invited.

Darkknight27 is in on trial process (Just to see how forum activeness is.)
Well hello c;
Today, i'm making an application for you guys to read, and yes...It will possibly be boring. (ill try my best to keep it humorous) My name is derrick, hi, and i'm 17 years old now, i've been playing toribash for quite a while now, my main is "Diegod8787"and he is a 3rd dan and about 250-300 games away from 4th dan and well, i've made this alt, to make a name change and to start over (because that's always fun). I live in West Palm beach florida, that would be (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time. I have a lot of hobbies, including playing toribash, but I play soccer, I LOVE playing soccer. My favorite team would have to be Manchester.
In toribash, I love to do parkour and sparring. In sparring I usually just mess around and experiment, try out different punches and kicks, different starting positions Ect. There will be a parkour replay on the bottom there, but sparring I would like to do with you guys personally <3 because why not? I'm good at ABD, Lenshu, I used to be good at mushu, haven't gotten practice, and I'm good at Greykido. I'm not really a "pushy" guy, I just like slamming people to the ground, but I resort to tugging people around sometimes. I would like to join Vibe because, i've seen you guys around...And you seem to be a nice bunch, of nice people, And i've known Sparky for a long time... I just basically want to absorb all that "goodness" your clan has to offer. I think I could help with wars as well... As I am a BIG risk kind of guy.
Anywho, i'm going to conclude this for now, and if you have anymore questions you can just pm me, or ask me if I get the chance to be part in this amazing community you guys have here.
Attached Files
ParkourwithCiuler.rpl (2.19 MB, 4 views)
ParkourSmiles.rpl (602.0 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by StoneMonk; Apr 11, 2015 at 11:26 AM.
Lenshu Master/Buddhist
Hi, my name is iTh3G0d! im from brazil and here at morning i need to go to school when i como to my house i eat and sit at the chair and play Skyrim i kill some bandits and Foreigns then i go to train toribash, i like to make move of boxshu mushu, aikido and greykido, i´m a 2th dan black belt, sometimes i train so much with DarkNi933, he help me to get my belt, i make a break of 3 weeks (girl-friend problens) then i back and i need to train more to get my 200 rank at boxshu mushu,then hope Vibe will like me ;3

i like to play toribash for fun and to play with friends and to speak english better (because im brazilian and im making english classes). I know how to run and make spar (not so much) and im trying to make parkour, im better at greykido than aikido but those mods are the same thing.

i enter at Vibe like a mounth ago, but somene just kicked me for no reason, i like vibe because its a good clan with good people and i need to learn new moves and new people to help me at toribash.

This is my apply, hope Vibe will like it
i would love to be part of vibe im brown belt and im gonna be black belt soon but sparky told me to go here to try and get in vibe