what up mother frickers i am in ur clan now xD

Originally Posted by Link View Post
youre probably retarded

Yeah I know that was what he said.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Yeah i guess you could say console games are for casuals while pc gaming is for real men who stay true to the old golds

I've been told that a lot. I would want to be a PC gamer, but it's too difficult for me to control and I don't feel like spending money on a PC, or the games

Originally Posted by Link View Post
console gamers have lives

Basically. Unless you're like, a youtuber or a competitive console gamer. I'm not either, but I am good at them that's why I like to play

you don't have to have the best pc in the world to play games and a lot of cool ones are free, i play on a (bad) laptop and i can handle all the games i want to play

the only console game i was ever good at was a free game for xbox called "happy wars" (i think)
ill admit console is usually easier than pc but pc has more variety for games and there's more free ones so that's cool
torrenting isn't really reliable, bigger games normally have some sort of protection e.g. overwatch is (i believe) untorrentable

but there are still looooads of free games without torrenting
i really only torrent games that are too overpriced or I really want to play them but dont have the cash.I torrented dark souls 3 and promptly bough it and the season pass soon after
i used to torrent stuff but i don't really anymore, kickasstorrents was good until it recently got shut down. kind of a bummer
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
yeah i mean my "gaming computer" costed me 600$ and that was like 3 years ago and still hasnt shat out on me and i can play all the games i want to. most of the new cutting edge ones on low settings though

The thing is, I don't really have any money at all, not even enough for a shitty PC. And me being an unemployed/unemployable 15 year old, I don't have much of any way to make money to get one.

I admire PC because it does have like, 3x more games than consoles do. And they're much higher quality and overall just usually better. And I don't buy many games for my Xbox, because I'm pretty content on what I have now, and they don't come out with new games for the 360 anymore, and again, I don't make money so I can't buy and Xbox one.

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
PC controls are harder because less things assist you with aiming like cod4 aim assist on console is pretty much hacking and cod4 aim assist on PC isn't used because it fucks you over more than it helps usually

Yeah, and regardless of things that don't help you, I just can't really get coordinated with the controls, to even hardly move or aim anything. Much less be good at the games. I remember I used to play terraria on one of my laptops, but I wasn't good bc if I got put in an intense situation, I couldn't control things right to be able to do jack shit.

And I'm also too busy to be a PC gamer so....