Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
some champs rlly need the flash we got now!
i use flash aggressive in 70% of the time ... i get your argumentation...
but... why would you make this game more aggressive? it actually is pretty much aggressive... some champs just need flash defensively: Imagine Kog maw without good positioning if he gets caught off guard... this will completely fuck up any low elo carry... and since i am low elo jungle... this sucks for me
the game gets more exciting if youre a jungler and having free ganks nonstop cause of no map control.... it also would get funnier to watch... i actually juswt got why my argument is invalid... sorry for taking your time... my bad... i am quite tired and i still dont get why to nerf clearvoyance... i can understand flash a bit at least but not clearvoyance... ..they want to replace cv? theymad? doesnt make sense to me... this auraspell whatever it is... doesnt seem too nice..

edit: i see champs like:
Akali or brand or Morgana.... in every 3rd game... that doesnt make em OP though...

It's getting slightly hard to decipher what you're saying with the lack of at least minimal grammar. At the very least, get rid of the constant ...

As a refutation, if you're in a bad position with Kog, you suffer the consequences. Flash would be a get out of jail free card in that situation. If you made the stupid mistake, you have to suffer the consequences. That's all the nerf is doing. It's not like nerfing flash will make you do more bad positioning, that's still all on the part of the player.

And you also contradicted yourself. If flash makes it harder to escape, a jungle would absolutely love a flash nerf for easier and more successful ganks.

And cv could do with the nerf because 50 second cd is pretty damn low for what's basically a quick, safe ward for anywhere on the map. The nerf isn't going to be substantial according to what they said, just a cd increase, which is perfectly reasonable.

Akali, Brand, and Morgana all have insanely good burst damage and two of them have good team fight utility. They can outlane almost anybody past level 6, by level 3 for brand and morgana. However, they aren't impossible to lane against/kill. Therefore, while not exactly OP, they are still insanely good champions. As such, that's why they're picked.
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
even in my elo 1270-1320
people buy wards.... and if noone does i do... in every role... people arent that stupid... this will not change it at all...
overpushing isnt good at all though...
people wont buy more wards if cv is nerfd:
Cv ist most often used to spot junglers. this doesnt give too much map control. its just giving awareness of the enemy jungle... the most ganks are done by a jungler thats true but you cant avoid em just with cv...

Nerfing cv does give the incentive to buy more wards though. Since you can't have a more consistent eye in the sky to spot when he's ready for a gank, you have more incentive to ward their jungle to get a more constant view of the jungle's progression.
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
sounds like an argument but you dont make balancing for teaching people you do it for FUCKING BALANCE!

You do if your game is not aimed purely at the competitive scene. There are casual players who quit the game later on because there's too many tryhards and they feel like the game isn't suited for them. If the change makes it easier for a casual to hold their own, then riot can maintain another possible customer to buy rp.
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
riots balancing is weird in anyway i mean: they nerfd vlad after he was allready balanced cause ppl thought laning against him isnt fun
riot nerfd mordekaiser cause people were complaining about him even if he wasnt op in anyway....

They nerfed vlad because he was essentially like a Heavy in TF2 with 2 pocket Medics. Who could turn into a pool of blood to troll you as he escaped a 4 man gank. He was virtually impossible to kill, could tower dive consistently with little to no repercussions, healed out the ass, and had too much damage for that much sustain.

Riot nerfed mordekaiser because he was impossible to damage so long as there was a constant supply of minions (which is a guarantee as this is a MOBA game). They instead buffed his shield generation on champion hits to allow harass on him during the laning phase, but give him the same team fight capabilities.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Riot nerfed mordekaiser because he was impossible to damage so long as there was a constant supply of minions (which is a guarantee as this is a MOBA game). They instead buffed his shield generation on champion hits to allow harass on him during the laning phase, but give him the same team fight capabilities.


Mordekaiser was op, his shield to be exact - I remember how I hated to play against him at 3v3 because basically he was always on shield and in a gank it was even hard to 3v1, because he was getting away when his shield was down.
Doesn't matter, as he is now fucking useless metal tin. The nerf was needed but it wasn't well designed, turning him into shit instead of normal champion.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by Saint View Post

Mordekaiser was op, his shield to be exact - I remember how I hated to play against him at 3v3 because basically he was always on shield and in a gank it was even hard to 3v1, because he was getting away when his shield was down.

i always used mordekaiser to tank threw the turrets by getting him force of nature and regen items :P
also Saint whats ur ingame name on ur server
Last edited by Toon; Nov 7, 2011 at 07:58 PM.
Doh ;/
I just played Jungle shen and went first blood on lvl 2 gank and my spree went on till 3/0/?
But still my teamstats were fucked up because shaco and cait bottom fed swain and ashe like hell -.-
And when teamfight's started my team was fucked because of this overfed swain and ashe!!
I simply hate it.
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
just had a quite fun pub, was top lane as morgana, team mate was kat, and we faced gragas and ezreal,

i rushed my Rod Of Ages and Sorcerer Shoes, then i got my first deathcap and another Blasting Wand

litteraly my Dark Binding and Tormented soil would do a combined damage of 1,1k which is op as fuck

i went 9-0-2 before they surrendered :/
I'm a fucking professional!
anybody playing eu east? or eu west? right now?

i wanna use kayle with a toribasher

my eu name is cartoonBasher
greeat now i don't remember where i find my zone..

k, nvm , i'm in Nordic East
Last edited by laststand; Nov 7, 2011 at 09:14 PM.
I'm a fucking professional!