I just got back home. SuckerPunch... I don't know how to respond... Kookoo I like those tips, I have been doing foot mod lately. And Cx, I don't want to move anybody like I have been doing, I need to really trust and know them, also who doesn't causes trouble. Cx, any WIPS?
I remember someone was talking about the adding more color to the banners, so heres my wip with that in mind.

Logo Idea

/\ at least you're sexy, TopHats.
you're a Tophat, after all.
Hm... yes CxTrXs, my toribash is working again, also:nice WIP.
Not sexy anymore lol now I'm grumpy. Btw I'm also game for a free gents essentials
If you head over to my house, you'll be (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2
Procrastination...ya gotta love it. PRO TIP: dun prcrstinte awn stiuff en hupfly u git yo wrk fenised.
RedPanda won't fuck his dog