Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Oh man.
Midding with malzahar is fun.

His farm is fucking insane.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
It's seriously so great, gonna carry myself to 1500 with it probs

you guys shouldnt play yi as full bder.

starting with doran ring and going warmog with philos then whatever in case of solo top or going wriggles warmog then whatever in case of jungling is better imo. Warmogs yi just pushes lane and will make enemy need 2 people to stop you from bding instead of 1 and you will actually be good for innitiating fights instead of staying in the back and hoping your not focused.

But h havent tried my yi in the new masteries so i dont know althought i have won a lot with yi on season one.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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Originally Posted by AkumaBeast View Post
you guys shouldnt play yi as full bder.

starting with doran ring and going warmog with philos then whatever in case of solo top or going wriggles warmog then whatever in case of jungling is better imo. Warmogs yi just pushes lane and will make enemy need 2 people to stop you from bding instead of 1 and you will actually be good for innitiating fights instead of staying in the back and hoping your not focused.

But h havent tried my yi in the new masteries so i dont know althought i have won a lot with yi on season one.

The problem with that build is it takes too long to get it started. And even then the damage is subpar and allows time for retaliation. 5 seconds to take down a full hp turret means they have to either be standing right next to the turret, or already tping in, to even stand a shot at stopping you. Warmogs yi still takes like 10-15 seconds. More than enough time for a gank to come flying out of the jungle or for somebody already at the turret to start wailing on you.

And yi should never initiate. Ever. He's not an initiator, he's pure melee dps.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Tanky dps yi is great for sustained damage, but in this meta you dont NEED sustained damage as yi, because frankly taking out towers in under 5 seconds before 20 minutes will win games, period.

Not to mention with ghost/teleport + ult + q + ghostblade you're unkillable unless they chain cc you down hard, which will need more than one person unless it's ashe (who should be in the team fight anyway)

bd yi4lyfe
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Tanky dps yi is great for sustained damage, but in this meta you dont NEED sustained damage as yi, because frankly taking out towers in under 5 seconds before 20 minutes will win games, period.

Not to mention with ghost/teleport + ult + q + ghostblade you're unkillable unless they chain cc you down hard, which will need more than one person unless it's ashe (who should be in the team fight anyway)

bd yi4lyfe

dorans blade -> berserker boots -> ghostblade -> phantom -> inf edge -> bt -> bt ?

also, can You screen shot your masteries? :P
Originally Posted by JiBaiLanJiao View Post
doods,is Genesis A.D still alive?And also,a cool game I found:

I can see there Tryndamere, Ashe, Malzahar, and double LeBlanc in male version chaining the first champion I mention. Oh god, LOL is addicting.

also, Gargas
Last edited by Saint; Nov 18, 2011 at 08:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
By the way 1: do you jungle with that yi or attempt to lane?*

By the way 2: I've always had better results getting ie first rather than ghostblade, although both ways should be correct.

*tis question for the backdoor yi and the shit, surge+whatever spell implies laning, but I'd rather see yi in the jungle so I'm wondering.
Last edited by JtanK; Nov 18, 2011 at 08:45 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
By the way 1: do you jungle with that yi or attempt to lane?

By the way 2: I've always had better results getting ie first rather than ghostblade, although both ways should be correct.

Mhm, I could try jungling with Yi, but for that I was using lantern build.


Just played 1v1 with Kyle versus my friend going on Brand. It was pretty cool 9 to 0 game, as I pwned him.

First time playing Kyle from the time that Riot gave it for free. And it's nice!
Runes from my Ezreal - APen+25, CDR+9%~, Mp5+11/18lvl. Manaregen runes gave me ability to spam my Q or E whenever I want to, after buying Morellos tome, E was always on.
Dorans ring -> berserker boots -> guinsoo rageblade -> hextech revolver -> morellos evil tome -> hextech gunblade (upgrade from hextech revolver)

at the end I've sold dorans ring and bough vampiric scepter to build bloodthrister, but I've got enough lifesteal and AP (using W to heal) to actually tower dive the nexus with ulti when low hp just healing on his minions.

Kyle's good. Also, at the end my ulti could be used once per 30~ seconds. That's nice too.

Last edited by Saint; Nov 18, 2011 at 10:23 PM.
for a first time kyle that is pretty good.

Also my yi's warmog is actually fast cause i get doran ring-philo stone-heartgold-5goldcritsword and then go warmog if i lane. Because or doran ring and philo and mp5 runes i dotn get out of my lane ( meditate ) and i can do constant harass.

If i do jungle i go wriggles then warmog right away. IMO dps yi fails hard because its pretty easy to take down with stuns n stuff. with a tankier approach you can bd and dont get caught and because you are tanky the enemy will need 2 people to stop you. But this is my yi experience. Also i know how to bd too, i have won games that were absolutly lost by bding xO btw playing yi as innitiator is better due to the fact you can jump to the carries and fuck the enemy.
Just got a game where a guy did intentional feed. we were winning and he was failing. i was like buy wards you just got ganked twice and he was Derp derp derp fuuuu. Noone understood why.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Um, played Kyle at 5v5.

Got few kills, even triple kill when defending tower (aoe E rulez), but tryharding fails when your team is like 'meh we lost 3 towers we surrender'.

: (
I went 0/12/1 with kayle.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks