Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Everytime I mention how he was an addict my friends are about to eat me alive. Sometimes literally.

Wow are 18 year old girls that violent?

I have a slight fear of speed boats, given I got run over by one when I was little, prop was 6 inches from my face.
when I was young, I had this nightmare that my elevator went pass every floor to floor 100.
I dont know if I am scared of no control over events, of elevators, or heights
Originally Posted by watersurf View Post
Believe it or not, it's water.

Since it nearly killed me at a local swimming park.

I fear water as well. I was close to being riptided before. I felt water pushing me away. Then I used my Hefty D.A.R.E knowledge and swam left. gg
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.

Because you don't know when it's coming, how painful it's going to be, and what lies on the other side.

Darkness or something much more.
Basically any bug.... doesn't bother me sometimes... depends on size...
Cars.. long story I'd rather not say..
The fear of loosing my voice.
Deep water... Can't swim.
Anything that can burn you easily > Cooker.. coal fire.. etc
I like to draw and stuff
My worst most terrifying nightmare. I advise you read this somewhere nice because this won't be a pleasant tale:
You wake up as normal in you bedroom and go though the day just like every other day. And then you go home. You must have left you phone somewhere because you can't find it in your pockets. You take the long slow walk to you room and open the door. Go to your desk and sit down. But something isn't right... Your laptop is not there. You look everywhere but to no success. You ask people and they return your confusion "what is a computer?" They say.

I wake up screaming.

Just to clarify this is a joke I do not have a recurring nightmare involving technological deprivation.
Good morning sweet princess