Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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What is the Clan Council & why should you join?

The Council are a secret group on the forum that specialise in all things Clan/Organisation related. You might be aware that they vote on anything vying to become official but you may not know that they are also the eyes and ears of Clan Discussion and big players in the participation of clan related policy discussion. Recently with the help of the Clan Moderators, the Council have revolutionized the way we work with both Clans and Orgs from changing the way we do activity checks to the rules themselves and this is only the beginning. If you want to assume a role in changing the largest part of the forum and feel you are up to the task of discussing/debating with some of the sharpest minds in the community you may find that the Council would be a fitting place for you. It's worth mentioning that Council duties will align you well with Clan Moderators as you will be working together and most, if not all, Clan Moderators were once in the Council.

What will be expected of you?

The council now holds more responsibilities than it ever has and as such expectations are high.

1. Voting:

We expect applicants to quickly become seasoned in the art of constructing well formed opinions using information they have gathered themselves if they aren't already. Driven people with the initiative to do their own groundwork in order to form strong points of consideration and reasoning are highly sought after provided you have the endurance to keep up the pace. Let it be said now before it is too late: you are expected to leave all of your friends/affiliates on the doorstep when (if) you walk in. There is no room for bias in any form within the Council and if you do not have the strength to remove yourself from votes that you have vested interest in the Council is not for you.

2. Surveillance:

It is mandatory for the Council to do regular checks of clan boards and have current, relevant knowledge regarding clan dynamics and activity not only on the forum but in-game and on IRC as well. The clan rules must be second nature to you and as you'll be working closely with Clan Moderators you should know a broken rule when you see one along with the actions to take to resolve it. All of this will give you a rounded understanding of the systems we have in place and also an indication of the climate we're in regarding how to compare clans and what we expect from them. This is a vital roll for applicants to be prepared to fill as it will greatly bolster your effectiveness when voting or presenting feedback/ideas on policy discussion.

3. Policy Discussion:

Major innovations and minor changes alike, there will be a time where you will have the chance to step up to the plate and make your opinion heard on potentially game-changing topics. It is important that you are on top of your game if you want to be taken seriously as it will be clear who has/hasn't done their homework. Currently, the Council have had heavy sway on defining how activity checks should be done and have reconstructed the rules completely. There's plenty to talk about and there's more coming, your contribution could potentially shape the end result of whatever scheme we have coming up next so it is important that you are affluent in your knowledge of what's being discussed and how your suggestions will benefit the direction we're headed. Needless to say, those who are investing time into their surveillance and voting duties will shine when it's time to chip in on big decisions like these.

How to apply?

If you've made it this far you might actually have a shot. SEND A PM TO FAINT with your application, the only prerequisites are that you include your time-zone and any languages you are fluent in - however, please do take into consideration that if you're writing roughly 3 lines in order to join a staff position that's heavily focused on debate, discussion and opinion posting you're probably doing it wrong.


Last edited by Faint; Oct 11, 2015 at 09:17 AM.
collect snots from the nose
Taken from #support for anyone wondering the same thing:

17:39 <@Gynx> we don't really discuss it, you either get in or you don't
17:40 <@Gynx> if you haven't heard anything within 2 weeks you didn't make it

collect snots from the nose
Is this still open?

^ That was a stupid question. I should have read the rest of the comments first. I can't delete this post however so I'll ask a few follow up questions.

1) Are there any trial periods or something of that sort?

2) Not really relevant to the thread so feel free to ignore this one but in the case of most staff positions, applicants are simply ignored if not accepted. Is there a reason for this? I think it would be helpful and just generally cool to let people know if they've been rejected. Granted they'll know after a while anyway but it doesn't seem like too much extra effort.
Last edited by Text; Feb 8, 2015 at 04:10 AM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
Originally Posted by Text View Post
Is this still open?

^ That was a stupid question. I should have read the rest of the comments first. I can't delete this post however so I'll ask a few follow up questions.

1) Are there any trial periods or something of that sort?

2) Not really relevant to the thread so feel free to ignore this one but in the case of most staff positions, applicants are simply ignored if not accepted. Is there a reason for this? I think it would be helpful and just generally cool to let people know if they've been rejected. Granted they'll know after a while anyway but it doesn't seem like too much extra effort.

About second question: sometimes they receive hundreds of applications, this happened during the GM recruitment probably, and send a PM to everyone that applied to say Rejected, is a long work. Also sometimes they don't accept you immediately, but if, after recruitment period, they still need someone alse, they'll look between rejected apps.

Anyways Gynx said that if after two weeks you aren't in, you are most likely rejected. So you will know it.
Originally Posted by Text View Post
Is this still open?

^ That was a stupid question. I should have read the rest of the comments first. I can't delete this post however so I'll ask a few follow up questions.

1) Are there any trial periods or something of that sort?

2) Not really relevant to the thread so feel free to ignore this one but in the case of most staff positions, applicants are simply ignored if not accepted. Is there a reason for this? I think it would be helpful and just generally cool to let people know if they've been rejected. Granted they'll know after a while anyway but it doesn't seem like too much extra effort.

there is no actual 'trial' period, but i guess you could say that we pay more attention to the new council members to see if they fit in and whatnot

it's a bit irrational to send hundreds of applicants a notice that they've been rejected when it should be obvious after a few weeks if you receive no notice of being accepted, etc. there's no actual reason we don't do it, i just don't think that anyone sees any major reason to
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
there is no actual 'trial' period, but i guess you could say that we pay more attention to the new council members to see if they fit in and whatnot

it's a bit irrational to send hundreds of applicants a notice that they've been rejected when it should be obvious after a few weeks if you receive no notice of being accepted, etc. there's no actual reason we don't do it, i just don't think that anyone sees any major reason to

maybe respect? applicants spend their time to make the perfect application they deserve an answer dont they?
Originally Posted by Marci6 View Post
maybe respect? applicants spend their time to make the perfect application they deserve an answer dont they?

in reality, not all applicants spend time working on their applications. a minority of applicants send in an application that they spent any form of time on, and sending them a personalized "sorry, you're rejected" message will have the same effect as not sending them any message at all. not to mention, not all applicants are entirely rejected, some of them are kept in consideration in-case we are looking for fresh council members.

entitlement at its best tho, right marci
Cant they create a bot to record all applicants, than send a message to people accepted and not accepted.
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