Originally Posted by Master5000 View Post
you can find the question in the title of this thread in an very indirect way, What your parents say about this game? what are their opinions?
My parents don't really care if I spend my time this game, or cheecking the forums, If my grades are not getting to low everything is okay :P

Generically, they let me play all day. I'm only interrupted by the voice of destiny saying "Let's get some lessons done." Sometimes they scold me because I play it too much. They sayToriBash is making me forget stuff. I'm only forgetting the stuff I've not seen for a long time. They say I dream of ToriBash, it's just a game. But It's 70% possible to dream about things you love. I sometimes get bored and get off to say hi and hang out with my sister. But she plays too much annoying stuff So I go back on :P
Originally Posted by JustKerry View Post
my sons 12 and the reasons i wont let him on the forum is sometimes the content isnt in my opinion suitable. yes he has probably seen it all before doesnt mean im happy about it though lol. also as i was an smod ive removed plenty of very unsuitable stuff that i would be really gutted about him seeing if it had been missed.

Sensible motherly opinion, but the TB forum is one of the most SFW forums ive been on. Other than some bad language and the occasional bit of semi nudity its no worse than most sites of its ilk. What exactly would you say is inappropriate content? I'm not poking fun or anything, just genuinely curious as i see very little that i would say was inappropriate for the targeted audience(13+)
It's "the weird wrestling game". That pretty much sums this game up I guess. +1 parents.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
My mom says I shouldn't play fighting games and shit. But like I care.
Mom likes when I do tricking replays, dad too, but both say dafuq is this shit when they try it themself.
my parents encourage it without this game i wouldnt have the art skills i have now and both of my parents used to be professional artist like art in museum professional and theyre like this guy this guy. +100 Parents
damn im gettin old
My Dad actually had an account on Toribash for a period of time. But quit because he sucked at it. Whenever I make a replay or do a good move in MP he is always interested, he likes the game's concept, he just can't play. He prefers shooters and racing games.
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie