Come on people!! Next bid is only 27k..
Less than 48 hours till DsNub wins
Lowering autobuy..
Oh my, what is this doing here?
I don't really want items... can you just bid tc ?
Or, I can accept Relaxes, cause that is what i need right now. Maybe a flame as well.
Last edited by DaPwnner; Oct 26, 2009 at 11:01 AM.
Oh my, what is this doing here?
Ok guys, less than 24 hours left..
I am now accepting relaxes and flames...
Lowering autobuy.

Extreme has offered me to buy it for qs force, and 5k. He sent it in a PM, mods can verify this if you want.
Anyways, I accepted, and am waiting for payment..
Last edited by DaPwnner; Oct 26, 2009 at 03:43 PM.
Oh my, what is this doing here?
Dominor, its a bit too late, if you wanna buy it, it has to be worth more than qs force and 10k, cause that is how much Extreme is paying.

Extreme has autobought it. Mods, you can close this now.
Last edited by DaPwnner; Oct 26, 2009 at 04:00 PM.
Oh my, what is this doing here?