Thanks. Once LoLeks bid gets to 2 days ago then this is off and he gets it for only 70k.

Which annoys the hell outa me cuz I spent days on this set.

Thanks though.
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Freakin hell!

Why didn't anyone else bid? Now I have to give it to this guy for only 70k. GOD DAMN IT!

User infracted: Illegal bumps. Suspension due to point buildup.
Last edited by hanz0; Jul 21, 2009 at 09:45 PM.
Bored of this....
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Don't fret Captain, at least you have TC. Better than nothing. Better luck next time. I was going to bid but, I changed my mind.
master of the universe
Originally Posted by CaptainLOL View Post
Freakin hell!

Why didn't anyone else bid? Now I have to give it to this guy for only 70k. GOD DAMN IT!

Only 70k? 70k is a lot of TC and a more than fair price for this set. Especially since it will still lose quality when getting downsized to 128x128.
Seriously, starting to freak out when receiving more TC than some other texture artist will earn with a couple of sets or even at all is not exactly a pleasant trait.

Sorry, I don't mean to flame. But even if I probably risk an infraction with this post, this display of ego gets quite annoying.
Sorry. It's just I spent a lot more time on this set then I did on any other set I made.

Anyway I got banned for my stupid post up there. Wonderful.

BTW this is CaptainLOL