Hello my name is Chris im 15 years old and I play everyday. Im a 4thdan belt and I joined in the year 2010, my best mod is akidobigdojo I can save my self from almost any situation. Im active ingame but on the forums i will try and be more active. Im loyal to every clan I join the only reason I would leave would because of inactivity. When I play toribash I usually listen to music to help me win. I also do wushu and mushu but I usually just improvize while playing the game. The only problem is that next week i have school and I cant be on during the week days :/. But on friday saturday and sunday Ill be on all day. I want to join this clan because I see alot of members everday online and they are usually very skilled. Thankyou for reading.
Hey my name is Josh, and my name in TB is EZ1O. I've played for 2.5 years on and off (3 month or more breaks) and I'd say I'm pretty skilled. ANYWAY. I've been in about... 3 clans? -Superhero, Power, and the one I'm in currently. Yeah I know it sounds bad, but I just made it with a friend of mine, and it's not looking too good. I'll leave it if you guys accept me, which also sounds bad. But I promise you guys I'm loyal. I just like being given commands rather than giving them. I stayed with -Hero even though it was 3 months dead. Attempted to revive it, but it didn't work. But oh well! Found you guys and you guys look DAMN good. One of the best I've seen. Played with ispro a few minutes ago and he actually recommended me So props to him. But yeah I've just been looking for a good clan for a while now that's fairly new. I think I finally found it! Here I am. Take me or leave me. Again ispro recommended me ;) If you guys wanna see replays just tell me!
Last edited by Ezio; Aug 17, 2013 at 01:31 AM. Reason: Spelling Error
| [AC] | Replays | Order of Taekkyon |
ive played ez1o a few times hes ok at the game, but i just have a question ez1o, rate your self out of 10 on how forum active and in game active you are.
I say no on my statement because your asking to join a clan when your already in one so your not loyal.
well I say maybe
Last edited by Zalf; Aug 17, 2013 at 02:59 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I tried to justify how I AM loyal. I promise I am. It just looks bad I know. Forum I rate myself a 9 and ingame a 7 (I have a time restriction -_- I hate it) Another thing, my strength isn't so much in multiplayer as it is in sparring/replay making.
Last edited by Ezio; Aug 17, 2013 at 04:13 AM.
| [AC] | Replays | Order of Taekkyon |
Name: Tristan

Belt: Black Belt

Toribash Name: Suplexes

I''ve been informed by my friend Gabe that I should apply for this clan. I noticed that it's been getting a lot of popularity and a lot of skilled players are in the clan. I think I can offer a lot for the clan and I love the people here. So I hope you guys approve my application and I hope we can become a very powerful clan someday. If you need anymore information about me or my ingame stats just reply.

Suplexes/ Tristan
Last edited by Suplexes; Aug 17, 2013 at 05:58 AM.
Only If I Could Suplex

kk question how will u contribute to the clan? replays, donations, skill, forum active (posting regularly on the clan disscussion page)... and how much would u rate yourself out of 10 on being ingame active and forum active.
I currently have a part time job at Heinens so since I don't have to pay bills or car payments yet I could contribute to it by donations. Unfortunately I can't post replays because of my dinosaur of a computer but I am getting my own PC soon. Skill, I have about a 1k-5k rating. Forum activity, I go on everyday to check the art section because of the videos and also the textures forum to see what other people have made. In game i'd say probably a solid 8 I don't stay on for hours upon hours but I go on atleast 10 times a day. Forum activity i'd say a weak 7 or middle 6 because I only really reply to the art section and sometimes when i'm selling something on the textures thread because I haven't bee in a clan to talk to on the forums.
Only If I Could Suplex