Endurance Onslaught 6.0
iSiinz and Nautilus is under discussion
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Nautilus59 View Post
Hello I am looking for a clan to join and Nike recommended me to try to join you guys. I have not been in a clan before and don't really know what the wars entail. I had another account but I lost the credentials to it and so I do not know how to get back into it.

Putting that aside I think I'm decent at the game and I like to fight anyone. I usually pick things up pretty fast and I am good at turning some peoples moves against them. I utterly suck at parkour and hardly know how to take a step.

I do not have that much time to be on the game and i can only really get on to the game during the weekends. This is because I am currently a freshy in Highschool.

You can get an admin to get it back for you, as long as you can prove that account is yours. I'm in the same situation, but I prefer the name Nitrate so it's all k

We don't go over much in terms of ingame activity. But please do participate in Discord conversation and the occasional tourneys so that we may be able to get to know you more.

Same things as above, why did you choose us over the other clans? What makes us special? What can you bring us? The number one thing to keep in mind in applying is you have to sell yourself as well as making us feel worthy to have accepted you.

Thanks for applying and good luck!

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
[Dyspo's Midnight Application WIP]

  • About me: My name is Adam, I am 19 years old and I currently live in the U.S, New Mexico to be exact. I am going to school currently as a welder with my brother Raven. I feel like I am an outgoing person. I really enjoy meeting new people and bonding with them. Like every human being I have flaws and my flaws are not being able to hold my tongue. I usually just say what is on my mind and at times that is a good thing but other times it's bad. I like to argue, I really dislike being told I am wrong however if I am wrong and in debate it is proven that I am wrong I have no problem with accepting that and then moving on. I do not hold grudges over anything. If we disagree and we fight I will most likely be the first one to come around and apologize.
  • Toribash Background: I started Toribash in late 2009 with my brother Raven. We were introduced to this game by a friend of ours that would just free play and as he lost interest me and Raven gained interest and continued to play. Now Raven, (Sorry to bring it up bro) got into a lot of trouble while he played landing all of his alts and what not to be banned and ultimately him being put on BOS. As you can probably tell that prevented me from playing because his excuses to try to return was "oh its not me it's his brother" which was a lie and they knew it so as a result I was never aloud to play. Raven then took a much needed break which ultimately fixed his attitude and now we are just regular users and I am now able to play with no issues.
  • Skills: I want to start this off by saying that in every mod that is played competitively I am better than Raven. Yea he got to play longer than me but while he was busy messing around and getting into trouble I sat in Free Play and learned the tori, ins and outs. Granted I am not as good as most but I am surely better than he is. ( He won't agree but he is a liar so don't believe anything he says). My main mods are Wushu, Lenshu3ng than ABD. In that order.
  • Conclusion: I feel I can bring a lot to this clan whether it's game play for events or if it is activity and just another person to show the clans activity. I post a lot and I play a lot so there will be no activity problems here. I hope to get along with all of you and I look forward to building friendships here.

The End.
Last edited by Dyspo_old; Apr 25, 2018 at 07:34 PM.
Originally Posted by Dyspo View Post
[Dyspo's Midnight Application WIP]

  • About me: My name is Adam, I am 19 years old and I currently live in the U.S, New Mexico to be exact. I am going to school currently as a welder with my brother Raven. I feel like I am an outgoing person. I really enjoy meeting new people and bonding with them. Like every human being I have flaws and my flaws are not being able to hold my tongue. I usually just say what is on my mind and at times that is a good thing but other times it's bad. I like to argue, I really dislike being told I am wrong however if I am wrong and in debate it is proven that I am wrong I have no problem with accepting that and then moving on. I do not hold grudges over anything. If we disagree and we fight I will most likely be the first one to come around and apologize.
  • Toribash Background: I started Toribash in late 2009 with my brother Raven. We were introduced to this game by a friend of ours that would just free play and as he lost interest me and Raven gained interest and continued to play. Now Raven, (Sorry to bring it up bro) got into a lot of trouble while he played landing all of his alts and what not to be banned and ultimately him being put on BOS. As you can probably tell that prevented me from playing because his excuses to try to return was "oh its not me it's his brother" which was a lie and they knew it so as a result I was never aloud to play. Raven then took a much needed break which ultimately fixed his attitude and now we are just regular users and I am now able to play with no issues.
  • Skills: I want to start this off by saying that in every mod that is played competitively I am better than Raven. Yea he got to play longer than me but while he was busy messing around and getting into trouble I sat in Free Play and learned the tori, ins and outs. Granted I am not as good as most but I am surely better than he is. ( He won't agree but he is a liar so don't believe anything he says). My main mods are Wushu, Lenshu3ng than ABD. In that order.
  • Conclusion: I feel I can bring a lot to this clan whether it's game play for events or if it is activity and just another person to show the clans activity. I post a lot and I play a lot so there will be no activity problems here. I hope to get along with all of you and I look forward to building friendships here.

The End.

You mentioned your brother a lot... but I not much about yourself. You should join our discord on our home page if you aren't already in it. Mainly so we can get to know you better.

Another point I want to make is that we are not looking for skill specifically but mostly chill people with great memes, the only time skill will actually apply to be in this clan is when clan league comes around(when we get official ofc). Just stay active and post around the clan chat forum it would increase your chances of getting in.

Being the fact that your app was better than the last two we received I have taken the time to actually reply to it. So good luck with getting in man.
Originally Posted by Fame View Post
You mentioned your brother a lot... but I not much about yourself. You should join our discord on our home page if you aren't already in it. Mainly so we can get to know you better.

Another point I want to make is that we are not looking for skill specifically but mostly chill people with great memes, the only time skill will actually apply to be in this clan is when clan league comes around(when we get official ofc). Just stay active and post around the clan chat forum it would increase your chances of getting in.

Being the fact that your app was better than the last two we received I have taken the time to actually reply to it. So good luck with getting in man.

Thank you Fame, if you have any questions you can ask me here or I can join the discord and you can ask me there.
Midnight Recruitment Application

Hello, (M) Midnight! My name is Aaron, or Aikido. I was previously known as PureWalrus. I am currently 17 years old, turning 18 on November 27th. My Toribash journey started in 2013 when my brother mentioned it to me, and I was hooked ever since.

My story, my background, my past, my future

At the age of 9, I was abused mentally and physically through neighborhood kids. Since I didn’t quite understand why, I developed a strong unforgettable depression that turned my life upside down. I later did drugs, smoking, and self-harm more or less from the insecurity of not knowing who I am. Despite having dealing with these issues, I was lucky enough to find my best friend and partner in life, Brittany, 7 months ago. She showed me who I truly am and helped me understand a bigger picture of forgiveness, and asking for forgiveness. She also helped me see what talents I have, and how I can use those talents to help others in need. Through this, I am now a singer/songwriter with big dreams and plans to accompany a music degree hopefully in the near future when I ship off to college. Second-hand interests and hobbies of mine include cars, technology, and working out.

Toribash Background

In all my years of being apart of Toribash, I’ve never taken a solid period of time to get to know the community and develop friendships. I’m sort of well known, but not at the same time. In attempt, I plan on developing these friendships and getting to know all of you sincerely. My game activity mostly consisted and still consists of marketing trades, Tourney’s, ES events or betting servers. My most often played mods are Aikido/ABD, Boxshu, Judo, and Spar.

What brings you to Midnight?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…. I was affiliated with a clan by the name of [e] Electric. The community there was my family. They were an amazing clan, welcoming and certainly skillful. When DeakManiac randomly left us, the clan fell apart entirely. Applejack and a few others tried to revive it, though nothing worked. Electric was later placed under haven. I have personally been interested in other clans, but found that they weren’t like Electric and I wouldn’t be committed to them, so I refused to apply even when asked. I’ve had good conversations and really liked what I’ve seen in this clan, and I felt compelled to check out Midnight for that reason. By far, Midnight has peaked my interest more than any other clan and came to terms with myself that the community here is just like that of Electric’s community, if not better. I feel confident in my ability to help this clan move in the right direction through wars. Whether I am accepted or not, I’ll be rooting Midnight on in hopes you guys achieve Official.

What clans have you been in previously?

[e] Electric (Dead)

Why is Midnight different from other clans? What do you bring to the table?

That is a matter of opinion to me, because the active community is mostly what I care about. I’ve been on Toribash for 5 years, and found only one clan I felt was family to me, and Midnight offers just that. I believe this community in and of itself is a rare characteristic that, in my own experience, no other clan has. How does that not set Midnight apart from other clans? Now, you might be thinking “What will this guy do for our clan?”. If I wanted to answer that in a typical way by saying “Wars of course”, then you wouldn’t know if I was lying or not until it came down to the war itself. I won’t call myself a “Tori Legend” in hopes it would increase my chances of being accepted, but I will say I am highly interested in clan organization, forum activity and in-game activity, helping other players, helping with wars, and supporting this clan’s family.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my application, and considering it. I look forward to a new beginning and a chance to help this clan. Accepted or not, I support Midnight and I will be cheering y’all on as you reach your goal of becoming official.
~ The past was once the present, but the present can never be the future. ~
Mistakes don't determine your future.

You know you wanna read me

Originally Posted by Aikido View Post
Midnight Recruitment Application

Hello, (M) Midnight! My name is Aaron, or Aikido. I was previously known as PureWalrus. I am currently 17 years old, turning 18 on November 27th. My Toribash journey started in 2013 when my brother mentioned it to me, and I was hooked ever since.

My story, my background, my past, my future

At the age of 9, I was abused mentally and physically through neighborhood kids. Since I didn’t quite understand why, I developed a strong unforgettable depression that turned my life upside down. I later did drugs, smoking, and self-harm more or less from the insecurity of not knowing who I am. Despite having dealing with these issues, I was lucky enough to find my best friend and partner in life, Brittany, 7 months ago. She showed me who I truly am and helped me understand a bigger picture of forgiveness, and asking for forgiveness. She also helped me see what talents I have, and how I can use those talents to help others in need. Through this, I am now a singer/songwriter with big dreams and plans to accompany a music degree hopefully in the near future when I ship off to college. Second-hand interests and hobbies of mine include cars, technology, and working out.

Toribash Background

In all my years of being apart of Toribash, I’ve never taken a solid period of time to get to know the community and develop friendships. I’m sort of well known, but not at the same time. In attempt, I plan on developing these friendships and getting to know all of you sincerely. My game activity mostly consisted and still consists of marketing trades, Tourney’s, ES events or betting servers. My most often played mods are Aikido/ABD, Boxshu, Judo, and Spar.

What brings you to Midnight?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…. I was affiliated with a clan by the name of [e] Electric. The community there was my family. They were an amazing clan, welcoming and certainly skillful. When DeakManiac randomly left us, the clan fell apart entirely. Applejack and a few others tried to revive it, though nothing worked. Electric was later placed under haven. I have personally been interested in other clans, but found that they weren’t like Electric and I wouldn’t be committed to them, so I refused to apply even when asked. I’ve had good conversations and really liked what I’ve seen in this clan, and I felt compelled to check out Midnight for that reason. By far, Midnight has peaked my interest more than any other clan and came to terms with myself that the community here is just like that of Electric’s community, if not better. I feel confident in my ability to help this clan move in the right direction through wars. Whether I am accepted or not, I’ll be rooting Midnight on in hopes you guys achieve Official.

What clans have you been in previously?

[e] Electric (Dead)

Why is Midnight different from other clans? What do you bring to the table?

That is a matter of opinion to me, because the active community is mostly what I care about. I’ve been on Toribash for 5 years, and found only one clan I felt was family to me, and Midnight offers just that. I believe this community in and of itself is a rare characteristic that, in my own experience, no other clan has. How does that not set Midnight apart from other clans? Now, you might be thinking “What will this guy do for our clan?”. If I wanted to answer that in a typical way by saying “Wars of course”, then you wouldn’t know if I was lying or not until it came down to the war itself. I won’t call myself a “Tori Legend” in hopes it would increase my chances of being accepted, but I will say I am highly interested in clan organization, forum activity and in-game activity, helping other players, helping with wars, and supporting this clan’s family.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my application, and considering it. I look forward to a new beginning and a chance to help this clan. Accepted or not, I support Midnight and I will be cheering y’all on as you reach your goal of becoming official.

In Discussion... Good luck
Can i apply to midnight

Looks cool Very Nice

Meeted Unicorn

Im applying

Please Let me join

Take time to read

By swivle applying
Why I want To join :

It looks powerful and cool Maybe Teaching me things

Recent clan:

Ive been in Ace But They Kicked me I dunno why

My Talent:

Nothing But Gaming xD

Take Time To Read

Swivle The Applying Tori
Last edited by Swivle; May 6, 2018 at 05:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
we're official now, further applications go into our board!
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken