Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
Hold both hips.
Extend Feets
Relax kness
Raise shoulders
Contract arms
Relax ellbows
Relax Abs
and all other middle parts.

All in one turn.
So u get to the ground easy.

100% effective in almost any position you're at the shovel moment (doesn't work if you're flying)
Originally Posted by DaNooB23 View Post
Step 1. Go to singleplayer.

Step 2. Make uke do a common shovel.

Step 3. Create an opener that generates enough force to break one of it's shoulders off.

Simple. It's just time consuming (3-10 minutes at most. Probably 20-30 if you're a beginner).

The opener you create would work well against any opponent that exposes their shoulder on the first turn.

@ no? You can't simply break the shoulder of a proper shovel in aikido.tbm. It is impossible. Meaning? YOu won't be able to insta-break it and after that the enemy can simply extend his pecs, so the shoulders are harder to break.!!

Originally Posted by Carnage View Post
100% effective in almost any position you're at the shovel moment (doesn't work if you're flying)

Replays or it's not working! I tried it 5 times in single player, all failed.
Last edited by 5brickbomzh; Sep 7, 2012 at 08:43 AM.
Originally Posted by 5brickbomzh View Post
@ no? You can't simply break the shoulder of a proper shovel in aikido.tbm. It is impossible. Meaning? YOu won't be able to insta-break it and after that the enemy can simply extend his pecs, so the shoulders are harder to break.!!

Contract elbow and wrist, aim at shoulder, profit.

Originally Posted by 5brickbomzh View Post
Replays or it's not working! I tried it 5 times in single player, all failed.

It's not our fault you can't counter a shovel properly
oh yeah