and today somehow sometime someplace somewhere someone told me that i like to say surprise butt sex all the time

and does everyone bite there fingernailsO-o
Have you ever wondered what a pink waffle would look like? http://*******/NfTqyv
Originally Posted by Rexoa View Post
I'd be so bored at school that I start to beat a song with my leg on the
floor, then tap the pencil on the desk without even noticing. Then my
teacher would come up to me and take my pencil and give me a super
short one that I couldn't tap with. I do the same thing at home. (Not the pencil thing)
So, what's your Weird Habit? (If it's something you don't want to talk
about, please post it anyways!) ^^

Originally Posted by clayspade View Post

Originally Posted by lolpants View Post
I start snapping my fingers twertywerty...or i chew my fingers, not the nail, the skin around it...

i do all that lol except i do finger drumming as well
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I have alot of habits, well i've decided to give you my list.

- Smell other peoples hair (Preferably those who condition)
- Tap my heels on the ground
- Hum as I am eating
- Bite people on the arm or neck
- Make lots of noises (Mainly the grudge really loud)
- Do random poses in the mirror
- Speak computer language (hax0r, pwner, lolk, et cetera)

I'm not sure if these are habits or just plain retarded. People still say its just normal me though, well I think I should see a doctor.
i can't stop saying hm hm hm hm hm -_- when im happy lol and i can't stop tabbing my leg on the ground
i ned freinds ;c
Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
I have alot of habits, well i've decided to give you my list.

- Smell other peoples hair (Preferably those who condition)
- Tap my heels on the ground
- Hum as I am eating
- Bite people on the arm or neck
- Make lots of noises (Mainly the grudge really loud)
- Do random poses in the mirror
- Speak computer language (hax0r, pwner, lolk, et cetera)

I'm not sure if these are habits or just plain retarded. People still say its just normal me though, well I think I should see a doctor.

You've got to be kidding me. That's latin for "and other things."
You do know there's more than 3 words that idiots use online right? 'et cetera' when added to the end of a list means there's more things of similar subject that could be added, but weren't.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I also make little songs/beats with my teeth when I'm bored.

Excactly, I couldn't really describe that better.
Thanks isaac.
I tend to clap and snap my fingers at the same time when I'm bored.

[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
I make random noises when a room is really quiet, and (not sure if this is a weird habit) my whole entire body suddenly shakes out of nowhere. I also like to bite my middle finger, but not like other people who chew their nails off.