Original Post
Local Moderator Applications
Hi everyone!

This where you can apply to moderate a specific board. Go ahead and post your applications right here in the thread. You can apply for any board in General or Toribash forums. No market boards, no clan boards, no elerk.


That said,


Local Moderator Application

Please answer all questions as truthfully as possible, in your best English. We will ignore any applications that were obviously not well thought-out or taken seriously.

1. How old are you?

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.


If you'd like to vouch for an applicant, feel free to PM me with your comments or recommendations regarding them. If I receive PMs that are obviously spam OR multiaccounting, they will be ignored and the applicant may be turned down. This part of the process will end when we decide, but you can count on it being up for at least a week.

Thanks and good luck!
Last edited by KiTFoX; Apr 12, 2010 at 06:08 PM.
1. How old are you?
Eleven years.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
a.) A year and a few months.
b.) Four to six months.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
a.) GMT 0.
b.) From 4 PM 'til 8 PM.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
Four hours.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
General board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
There are a lot of interesting discussions,I love discussing and I think this board is appropriate for me.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?
No experiance.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
I know everyone would say so,but I'm not as childish as a lot of eleven year olds.

Also,it would be much appriciated if you PM'd me with the result or answer.
Last edited by Praeter; Apr 4, 2010 at 02:49 PM.
Tint is sex.
1. How old are you?
I am 18 years old.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

I have been playing toribash and active on the forum for more the 1 and a half year.
Ps. My join date says Mar 2010 but this is not my first account my old account was TheElement.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

My time zone is (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), And i am am from 8am - 1am online.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

I basically am all day online and constantly cheeking the forum.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

I will like to be moderator of Beginner Sanctuary,Support Board,Art Board or **Flame Board**

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

I have always like to motivate new players to stay playing toribash, come and check the forums and help them with questions.

I have always love to help people and i am i really active person so i know i will do a good job.

I will like to moderate the Art board since theirs a lot of people that don't know anything about art and go making useless comment about art that is really worth of watching, i will make this board strong and respected.

**I know flame board is a market board but if there a possibility i will love to be a moderator of flame board because my passion for this board is infinit. My hole toribash life it have been dedicated to this board so if there is the slightest possibility i will be more then happy if i am considerate.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

Yes i was co moderator from the Nintendo Legend (ps3 clan), My responsibility was work with spams, cheeking that the rules were been fallow, working with the team for reunions, arranging clan wars and working with the teams for the clan wars.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.

I have been playing toribash form more then 1 and a half year and i always waned to be something more then just a player i want to makes our community better day by day. I am willing to give my all if i am chosen i am dedicated, efficient and determinate. I am Latin i live in Puerto Rico, my main language is Spanish, i also understand Italian making me bilingual and a big help for the community.This are the reasons why i think i should be pick out of all the other applicants.

-I am using the account called Up2U until i sell it-
Last edited by xElementx; Apr 7, 2010 at 06:05 PM.
1. How old are you? 14

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums? 1 year, every day unless I'm out of town.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active? GMT-5 From 3-9PM my time

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? ~3-4 hours

5. Which board would you like to moderate? Replays

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? I go there daily, and I often find mistakes, and I know the rules by heart.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so? This would be my first.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
1. How old are you? 13 yrs old

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums? 3 years

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
A.) GMT -4
B.) 2:30pm-11:00pm
4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day? 12 hours

5. Which board would you like to moderate? Beginner Sanctuary

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board? I would like to moderate this board because I would like to help the new players in the toribash community. Also I would like to answer many questions for the new players and keep them interested in toribash.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so? I do not have recent experience

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here. Ive only been banned once so that shows me being a trustworthy mod that would not get into trouble and abuse their power.

I like doing art and stuff| GATA |... My Deviant Art Http://
1. How old are you?: I am 14.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?:Since december of 2009.
b.) How long have you been active on the forums?:Well it was January

3. a.) What timezone do you live in?: I live in the hawaii time zone(no that doesn't make me hawaiian)
b.) At what times of day are you generally active?:Usally at my time its 3Pm-1am(and sometimes 6am if its the weekends)

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?:I spend at the least, 1hr-5hrs(usally longer I just Lose track of time.)

5. Which board would you like to moderate?:

The board i would like to moderate would be the "ART" board or art/textures board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?: Well i always like to be in the art boards usally because i like to see them also there are alot of people who think they are being a critique(who are usally off topic) and it buggs me but It doesn't make me pissed.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities,: well if clans count: my responsibilities were to tell them and lead them on what to do if they had questions they asked me if there was an argument, I would stop it. I made sure they were following the rules and they didn't make a mistake.
b.) How well do you think you did your job, and: Its just my opinion but so far i have done sucessfully . There is not much problems anymore.
c.) If you left, why did you do so?: I have not left and will not because when i stick to something i stay too it.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.:
when i get determined into something i take the position seriously I handle things properly I have gotten lost a couple of times when i was not that experienced with the forums. Though I have been told that I take arguments too far but I Still win it.
If i was to become a local moderator I will not disappoint you I will do my job right and take it seriously as a role that, Should be .
Also my first language is English I am a leader and not a follower, but i follow rules of internet communities I try to be a "moderator" as much as i can as a normal player.

I would love to apply for local moderatorship.

1. How old are you?
17 years old. In August I'll be 18 years old.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
a) I have been playing toribash for about 17 months.
b) I have been active on the forums for about 15 months.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
a) GMT + 1, The Netherlands
b) From about 2pm gmt untill 6 pm gmt. And again from 9, sometimes 10 pm untill 11 pm. In weekends more and longer.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
About 6 hours a day on schooldays, more in the weekend.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I would love to moderate the replayboard

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I'm pretty active there, 80% of my posts is in there. Lately I have been posting less, but I'm still viewing everything.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?
a)I am an administrator on a Dutch forum. I made it myself.
b) I did a good job, people do not dislike me, yet I keep spam out and help out wherever I can. Helping includes stuff like namechanging and other admin business, but also the minor things like fixing BB-code.
c) I am still administrator there.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here
I am able to speak English fluently, which looks way better than a moderator that can't finish a normal sentence.

I hope this is considered a good application.

Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
1. How old are you?
Im 15 years old, I've just turned 15 on 28th of March

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
Well, I started playing at the 31st of January 2009, but one day in October I had to move to Venezuela for like 3 months, and there I didn't have time to play Toribash. Before going to Venezuela I was always active at the forums, but like I had to move to Venezuela, I didn't play for like 3 months,that is why my Posts Per Day are only 1.64. But im very active, I would say 10 posts per day, or maybe 15 posts per day.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
My time zone is GMT -3(Uruguay). I'm active from 3pm to 11pm (Uruguay Time)
4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
Always I'm on the computer, from the hours I said before, I'm active at forums.
5. Which board would you like to moderate?
Well, I always wanted to help people, you can see I'm always trying to help in Support, but I would really like to Moderate the Beginner Sanctuary and Support.
6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
Because I love helping people, I'm very nice with new people and I always try to help them.
7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?
No, I've never moderated a board, or something like that, but I helped a lot of users. Well, I helped a guy getting his account back, "Ziknon" is his username, and I helped him with looking at the "tb_login" file with a Text Editor, but he couldn't do it, and i sent a pm to SlipAnc and he gave his account back. Well, I don't always judge my self, but Ziknon always he sees me he always gives me the tanks because I managed to give his account back. So I think I did it good.
8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
No, what I put in all the questions above, is practically what I always wanted to do, I don't have anything else to add.
Thank you for reading this post
Last edited by BirdFluBank; Apr 4, 2010 at 06:53 PM.
BirdFlu's storage and sales account

1. How old are you?

Turning 15 in a month.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash? b.) How long have you been active on the forums?

I've been playing toribash since December 2008, and I've been active on the forums since around March 2009.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in? b.) At what times of day are you generally active?

I live in California (GMT -8 ). I'm usually active anywhere from 7 AM to 10 PM.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?

I usually spend 3-4 hours on the forums on a week day and 4-8 on a weekend. For the next 8 days I'll probably be on even more, it's spring break.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?

The Tutorials board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?

I'm know lots about art, lots about toribash, lots about most of the things posted in the Tutorials board, and I know all the rules and ins and outs of the board and I like helping out and making and watching tutorials. And, to be honest, I need something extra to do on these forums to keep me entertained.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users? If so, a.) What were your responsibilities, b.) How well do you think you did your job, and c.) If you left, why did you do so?

A) On this forum, I'm a moderator of my clan sub-forum, so I know all of the thread commands and I know how to use them. I'm an admin on another vBulletin forum, but I don't know if that counts.
B) I did my job perfectly whenever it was needed, which wasn't extremely frequently, but when a job presents itself, I can do it.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Last edited by Nathan; Apr 5, 2010 at 02:49 AM.
1. How old are you?
I am 14 years old.

2. a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?
I am playing Toribash since summer 2008

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
I am active on the forums since mid 2009,but specially active since 2010.

3. a.) What timezone do you live in?
I live in Germany GMT +1

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
I am online from 2 or 3 pm till 9 pm.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
I spend about 4 hours each day on the forums.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
I would like to moderate the Support board/Begginers Sanctuary and the Clan board.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I am interested in the Support board/Beginners Sanctuary because I like helping other- or new users(and that was also a reason for me to become a teacher).
I am interested in moderating the Clan board because I will have the ability to clean the clan forums from those threads that has been made by invaders,I can also move the wrong posted [DSC] threads to the clan section.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users?
Yes i do.I was Moderator in 3 forums.2GFX forums and 1 RPG forum.

If so, a.) What were your responsibilities?
In the GFX forums I had to delete useless threads and clean the forums.Also I made a few tutorials for signatures and effects in photoshop.
In the RPG forum I was a part of the Supporting team.

b.) How well do you think you did your job?
I think I did it well,I got lots of good responses.Specially in the Supporting section.

c.) If you left, why did you do so?
I left one of the GFX forums because the admin was not fair and banned random people.
The second GFX forum got deleted by the founder for informal reasons.(idk exactly what)

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
I can speak fluently german,english and russian.I just have problems with the cyrillic letters in the russian language,because I dont have those cool cyrillic stickers for my keyboard :3
I also speak Lol-speak ..but I dont think that this is needed ..^^

I am pretty helpfull specially for new users.I am getting day for day new students for my class.
So I think I am qualified for beeing a moderator.

Last edited by derbomber; Apr 4, 2010 at 05:56 PM.
1. 11

2. a.) a year b.) a year and about a week more

3. a.) +8 philippines b.) morning to night (about 8am to 10pm(generally inactive within some days in april because of hacktards)

4. 6 hours or more?

5. Gaming chat or Rapid Threads

6. Well the rapid threads sometimes needs cleanups like the Rapidthreads needing to be moved in wibbles
some needing shaming and no moderator is still online at that time

in gaming chat lack of moderators that's late on erasing some threads like those threads that lack of explainations on there games

7. a.) merging threads that has the same info or deleteing useless post b.) well the clan tir apart and i did everything to let the forum be alive but failure occur c.) no more members of the clan

8. none the less