Originally Posted by labrat View Post
well you two are having an argument about which pm was first, who is in the wrong, who got what, who has what, etc.

sure you can post you view on the matter, just direct it toward the people-not toward each other, and make sure you support it with evidence

EDIT- and Demonkille if the item is rightfully his just give it to him, don't wait for him to have to ask and demand for it.

i'm reading over this thread and thinking this could have been solved a long time ago

right if its to much to ask for a sorry for the pm from him its to much for me to send it back.

also im dyslexsyc so if u want to keep saying that about my spelling i aint gonna take any notice
You don't need to spell everything perfectly and use perfect grammar, just don't abbreviate things like "u" "bcoz" etc. Definately the worst is "u", do not try to tell me you cant spell "you"

and actually if anyone reads this, i direct it at you aswell. I know it's such a big ask , but if u hfta abrvi8 things lyk dis, atleast spell you right because that is the one thing that i really hate
you make me feel like i peed myself..... it makes me feel warm :P

This is how awsome Squid is
Originally Posted by labrat View Post
You don't need to spell everything perfectly and use perfect grammar, just don't abbreviate things like "u" "bcoz" etc. Definately the worst is "u", do not try to tell me you cant spell "you"

and actually if anyone reads this, i direct it at you aswell. I know it's such a big ask , but if u hfta abrvi8 things lyk dis, atleast spell you right because that is the one thing that i really hate

Originally Posted by AwesomeO View Post
Wow smily spam? Only allowed 3 smilies per post. And thank you for fixing your spelling.

erm awesome that is one smiley
Give him back his chronos gradient, or whatever supervaluable item you took.

Getting into internet arguments over this is so pointless. I think that this is solved as soon as Demonkille returns the item. You guys don't even have to kiss and make up...mmkay ?
Originally Posted by AwesomeO View Post
Ohh really? I never knew that sorry about that.

right since i cant be botherd to argue no more i shall send him the torso he wanted to trade instead since im buying myself a nicer torso anyway.

and if im still called a scammer arfter that i dont mind as words dont hurt me.
but all i wanted from bomb was a simple sorry for the offensive pm.
Wow H3rl3quin did you even read this convorsation?
It was an accidental scam sort of.
And it was for an acid primary gradiant.
guys! guys! cant you just your stuff back to each other and act like this never happened! let this be a lesson to all of you, always take a screenshot of every deal.