Brilliant set, but despite the amount of effort put into it I think a starting bid of 30k is rather ridiculous, I put over a day of work into most if not all sets / heads I make, but I still sell for ridiculously cheap, then again, I really don't see the point of having TCs, I could care less what my tori looks like. :3

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not worth 30k, I just think it's rather dumb to set that as the starting bid seeing as some of the best texture makers out there often set the starting bid for less even, it's also a good marketing scheme because people get caught up in bidding and say '(bleep), I've gotten this far, 30k' kind of thing.

I love the thighs / shins, but I think the hand / bicep / tricep are a little repetitive the way they're all like the exact same. I'd recommend making the hand more of... A hand. It just looks too repetitive with the same thing 3 times in a row, but that's just my opinion. Head = sexy, and overall the whole set's very unique.

Anyways, good luck selling! I hope you can get more than 30k for this. :3
Last edited by Demonsoul6; Nov 11, 2008 at 11:04 PM.
thanks for comments, many people told me about the starting price...but listen:

I think it's worth could even be more than 30k, but I would die if selling under that it seems useless to me starting auctio from 15k and then refusing me to sell if i have only one bid, that sounds stupid to me...isn't it?

I'm kinda noob here so maybe i'm wrong...that's why i like hearing comments.Thanks.

BTW...I would have drawn different arms and hands, but I did it for a request and the guy asked me to do it this way, IMO legs are better than arms too
LOL, Omg that recolor is so awesome. Cant wait to see momo in action

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try