Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt
Name: Connor4654
Skype: Queen Fox (perfectcooked.baconstrips)
Favorite/best mod(s):ABD and Boxshu
Alternate Accounts:Connor6545, Loyhoy2, May Galaxy
Previous Clans:Anon(Looked like they died after I was inactive for a bit), VoC(I left because I was invited to Bomb with sledgren), Bomb(They were dying),Dark(RussD3x left, and it was starting to die),(Forgot the last one, but they were a very small clan)
Forum and ingame activity:4 for forum and ingame 4 (But I'm taking some time off of gmod so it will probably be a 7 later on )
Why does ( One ) need you?: I wouldn't say they need me, but I want to bring some fun to the clan, and help win wars for them...Besides that you could need me for helping out some of the newer clan members, or setting up events for us..(Once I get that kind of tc <.<)
What can you contribute to ( One )?:I can give some fun times, wacky clan servers with funny mods, and just a
Optional information:
My real name is Connor, and my age is 14.
idk how to get the player card soo <.<
Something about yourself/special skills: Well I have no special skills, and something about myself is that I'm a student who wants to always succeed in school trying their best to pass.
Belt: 4th Dan Black Belt
Name: Connor4654
Skype: Queen Fox (perfectcooked.baconstrips)
Favorite/best mod(s):ABD and Boxshu
Alternate Accounts:Connor6545, Loyhoy2, May Galaxy
Previous Clans:Anon(Looked like they died after I was inactive for a bit), VoC(I left because I was invited to Bomb with sledgren), Bomb(They were dying),Dark(RussD3x left, and it was starting to die),(Forgot the last one, but they were a very small clan)
Forum and ingame activity:4 for forum and ingame 4 (But I'm taking some time off of gmod so it will probably be a 7 later on )
Why does ( One ) need you?: I wouldn't say they need me, but I want to bring some fun to the clan, and help win wars for them...Besides that you could need me for helping out some of the newer clan members, or setting up events for us..(Once I get that kind of tc <.<)
What can you contribute to ( One )?:I can give some fun times, wacky clan servers with funny mods, and just a
Optional information:
My real name is Connor, and my age is 14.
idk how to get the player card soo <.<
Something about yourself/special skills: Well I have no special skills, and something about myself is that I'm a student who wants to always succeed in school trying their best to pass.

gg son, ill add u on skype, you are in.
Boss music ♪
Hey there, We Are One recruiters! Alright, cutting to the chase!
My name is MayoNinja, but please, call me Mary xD
I am a blue belt for now, I hope I become brown soon!
My skype is superfangs123, but I'm not so active on it xD
I like judofrac, lightnin', pendulum, and aikido, I guess.
I have no alternate accounts, nor previous clans. I also don't have bans and infractures, hurrah!
I am quite inactive on the forums--I rate it a 3.5-- but I hope my ingame activity--I rate this a 9.5-- is enough to make up for it!
Why would (One) need me? I wouldn't be NEEDED, but I believe I'm a bubbly person, and I might help out in future events, xD. I'll make myself somewhat useful.
What can I contribute to (One)? I'll try to help out in events, and, when I have tc, I'll donate.
My real name is Mary, as I mentioned xD, and I'm uncomfortable sharing my age, so I' sorry about that. I'm not so sure on how to move the user card, sorry! I am also a student, and I'm writing a horror series directed for young readers, though it's kinda more like an adventure with a light horror undertone. Oh well XD. I speak some Spanish, English, and my most fluent language is my mother language, Chinese. Well, that's all I have to share, and I hope I can be accepted!
Mary, (if i may) you are in, its ok if you dont want to share youre age, and the app is great, ill see you soon.
Boss music ♪
My App to We Are One
Hi. Remember me chief? i would thank you for remembering me.By the way this is my app.

Im black belt now.My real life name is Rafi although in-game is jetis.I have no skype as before i was out of the clan.I like ABD and xspar even if im not good at sparring.Im not very useful though(for We Are One).I can help go invite and test some potential people that can be member of this clan.And im 12.My previous clan is YWC(now is this clan).Im pretty active in forum so just tell me what to do.Im not quitting because of this clan is not a good one,but because my PC got in some trouble and i don't want to get kicked because that will only mean i can't rejoin this clan.Also i only have xspar replay cause i don't have any good abd replay.I have no real good special skill.Thanks for payying attention to my app
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hi.rpl (384.2 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by jetis; Mar 24, 2016 at 05:40 PM. Reason: Forgot about some parts
Originally Posted by jetis View Post
Hi. Remember me chief? i would thank you for remembering me.By the way this is my app.

Im black belt now.My real life name is Rafi although in-game is jetis.I have no skype as before i was out of the clan.I like ABD and xspar even if im not good at sparring.Im not very useful though(for We Are One).I can help go invite and test some potential people that can be member of this clan.And im 12.My previous clan is YWC(now is this clan).Im pretty active in forum so just tell me what to do.Im not quitting because of this clan is not a good one,but because my PC got in some trouble and i don't want to get kicked because that will only mean i can't rejoin this clan.Also i only have xspar replay cause i don't have any good abd replay.I have no real good special skill.Thanks for payying attention to my app

Yes I do remember you somewhat, sorry about the computer probs, you should look more into it maybe. The app could use some re wording and cleaning up but for the most part I think its decent.
Boss music ♪
belt - blue
name - cyk05 / Cyk
skype - dont have it
fav/best mod - taekwondo
alt account - none active
previous clan: self made, gave up. Digital (DIGI) if you really care.
in game/forum activity - somewhat active on forums very active in game
~Why does (One) need you? - why not? ;)
~What can you contribute to (One) - I do best in semipro kicking

~Your first name - Michael.
~Something about yourself/special skills - Kicking