Original Post
Make a fantasy short story!
Alright, so here's the deal. To publicize my organization, Fabula Magnus, we're doing a crappy little event. Enjoy.


Fabula Magnus is an organization devoted to playing play-by-post RPGs and all RPGs in general. We are all about fantasy. Visit our board!


Okay, you need to write us a fantasy short story. It can be any length, but it has to be good. Here are the rules:

  1. No plagiarizing. It's illegal.
  2. It must be in English.
  3. It must be fiction/fantasy.
  4. It must be readable. If your story has grade school grammar or some illegible or hard to read/put up with font, it will be disqualified.
Your deadline is April 30th. It's a long time from now, but that's on purpose. Use your time to make it a quality story.


Since we are all dirt broke, the prizes are crappy, but we do what we can:
  1. 100,000 TC. May raise as we get more donations.
  2. A "Good Enough Writer" medal, from me.
  3. A random selection of whatever valuable items I can get my hands on by April 30th.
  4. Happiness for winning something.
  5. Second/third placers might get something too.


Okay. And this time, I'll use bullet points!
  • Use at least somewhat proper English. We like it.
  • Don't purposefully make your story long or short. Make it long enough/short enough to fit the story. We don't judge the length.
  • Bonus points for basing it on our RPGs!
  • Use your time wisely!! You have one month. A good story can be made and refined in one month.
  • Bribe us. We need donations.
  • Check out our board. It's what the event is for and we'll like you for it.


Just post it here and we'll discuss it. A few days after April 30th, we'll give you the results.


Just send me the TC. I'm reliable. No, really. Also you'll be awarded with like, a thanks, or something.

Special thanks to Solax for donating some tc to the event bringing the tc prize up to 100,000 tc.
Last edited by Solax; Apr 14, 2012 at 11:54 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
In the year 3012 you'd expect things to be advanced, adapted and industrialized to your utmost imagination. That is how things were. Things were ruled by the perfect goverment called the superiors and was truly considered a utopia, much of the earth is unihabitatable due to unknown creatures so the scarce 5 million people live in the country today called Brazil. The rest of the world is barbaric creatures. That's how things were, segregation between the humans and everything else with only a 100 meter high wall seperating them. Until 3009 April 30th when things got out of hand for the world wide ruling government. Wambas, creatures of the night with there constant blood thirst for human flesh gave up living off animal meat. So after years of adapation of the creatures, they forged a plan. They over threw the civilized goverment with a blood thirsty war. A small group of approximetly 200 malita humans were the only to surive, they called themselves Fabula Magnus.

Thorn, the leader of the malita is an ex sargent in the human race. When he realised the corruption of the goverment and power of the Wambas quickly rising. He became an outlaw for his ideas of a corrupted goverment and was forced to move to the far end of Brazil, which was inhabitated by wambas, and he was taken in as a slave. He learned so much about the life of Wambas because he had to live a long side of them for so long. After years of working under them as a mistreated slave, him and the other slaves started a rebellion against the Wambas and using there newly known intelligence they managed to beat them.

Now living hundres of miles away from the main human goverment, Fabula Magnus builds slowly but surely to be ready to stop the blood thirsty Wambas whilst they form a plan to overtake the human goverment.

One day Ray and Enzu the other Fabula Magnus leaders were out hunting for food and they were ambushed by a group of intelligence of the Wamba army. They are dragged back to the Death Star, the Wamba camp, and forced to give information about the fabula magnus. Back at camp Thorn grows worried and sensues that something is wrong. He builds up his attack that night and is ready for war. Enzu and Raya are slaugtered that night.

Now the story is yours
Made in a few minutes, sorry for lack of details but it's a rough
Last edited by Zinx; Apr 13, 2012 at 05:22 AM.
I see you looked at their forums. Sucking up to them is an ok idea.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
> implying I have to suck up to Thorn Enzu or Raya.
> implying I need "sucking up"
> only implication I got from your post that was true, is that you're not the smartest.

Also, they died in my story.
Last edited by Zinx; Apr 9, 2012 at 02:34 AM.
I am not one to argue but nobody is the "smartest". People dying happens in all grossing movies and everything, it is just part of the story to make it more action packed.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Alright, got my story going really good so far.

It has dragons and vikings.

It could not be more fantasy than this. ;D
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post

It has dragons and vikings.

Sounds a bit like how to train your dragon, gl.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I joined this org, so is my story still valid?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]SoA|Sexion<3|Labirynth<3|Ishi|Butler153|Tamakuu<3|Ora nganeh|CerroNegro|Stellar<3|Power Of The Riddle!
The life of an imp
It's a tad long, hence the spoiler.

The life of an imp

Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home