A quick CnC of that replay

- Opening was a bit jerky
- The first kick looked weird since your foot sort of just bounced off. There seemed to be more force going forwards than sideways, the direction of your kick.
- Your hand stayed close enough to Uke that it looked like you were just grabbing all along, like you were carrying him.
- Do I really have to say anything about the end?

About the last kick: To me, it looked like you sacrificed your balance in order to get the pec to DM. NEVER sacrifice your balance, unless you losing your balance is part of your pose (e.g., the pose being you lying down on the ground or you just not even having a pose).
Be warned, @#w#@. They are coming.
That's some CnC that I can't explain the same way, but I know is true. And yeah, that's why it's horrible.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Also the DM change. my arm tapped uke's pecs and my arm came off o.o.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
I never lowed the dismember, the arm was being beat earlier, the more hits a joint takes the easier it is to DM (That's what I was told)

Anyway, maybe this replay is better.
Attached Files
#Dup - Nova star.rpl (177.0 KB, 12 views)