humanxx : great replay aka,you wold break the torso that remains too
you wold do a smoother ending too
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Thanks vic, i will try break the torso, but i want a decap too and i dont want do much grabs.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
nice. the opener was a bit to held all. The Spin was nice, i dont like the contracted wrists though. The double glute dm was nice. The Boom Was epic(totally not being sarcastic). Transition To Pose and Pose Was Good
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hia, thanks ray .
In my opinion, the opener is a bit to relax all, but idk xD, press E in the opener to see... but thank i like too much CnC. CnCs help me a lot dude thx.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Heya there Araky boy.

Alrighty. The opener was stiff. Really, really stiff. Also, you shouldn't hold the same position without moving any of your joints for too long...unless you're moving fast. Than it can be ok.
The launch and the spin were alright. Bit generic. You should have relaxed your arms a bit while spinning though.They looked quite stiff.
The hits were solid. Your DMs are really nice overall. No complaints there. Gee gee.
Transition to pose was alright. Stiff, but alright.
Overall, you should try to work on your smoothness. Don't be afraid to relax your joints that you're not using. Your hits are really nice but your movement needs a bit of polishing.
Cheers. C:
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Heeeyy, thanks GrAm.
I think i will remake this replay, i have some problems with openers but i will try do a fast and cool opener.
Last edited by Arakata; Oct 2, 2015 at 02:58 PM.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.