Endurance Onslaught 6.0
''they did not work out beacuse died did not know how to start a clan and keep it going and than we had problems with some members''
I thought that was a clan too
Well... well well well.... well.....
You seems cool keep posting around join irc sometimes
Yush babe
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
Hi, well, I'm just trying to think of what I could say. I'm very nervous. Well... I'm a brown belt, I wanted to join this clan as I was going over other clans looking for one that fits my style. This one seems to get it. I'm online most days and besides toribash, I only really play a few games and play tennis.
Hope you may accept me. -raver0012
Well lets see...

Show unneeded emotions -10
Giving a why but not a specific why for your why -10
What one seems to get it? -20
saying what you do outside of TB +20

So in all you get a score of -10, sorry, But ima say he is very indecisive. As of clear lack of wow, change some things around. Add more detail in your whys and give us a little background info, I don't like not knowing a little about a person. Also the fact that you say you took a look at this clan but once again how hard is the look. If you really looked hard, then it would be obvious that you saw the fact that we are not in-game based. So why would you have something like I am active in-game alot. Where as you should have but I am active in IRC and forums, and play ingame to get TC, get to know others, and make good friends. Also you don't seem to be active in forums from the starting looking at that post count. I don't know you guys, this applicant it leaving me in the abyss of thought.

But Ill give you a shot man, If you get your points higher than 75 ill say yes, 50 maybe.

failure to do so:

Last edited by thepureone; Aug 12, 2011 at 06:30 AM.
Originally Posted by DarkRavens View Post
name: livens
born in: mass
nationalityi: hatian <----- this is not beacuse of my spelling -_-
online: sometimes 3 times a day and 12 times a week

Belt: 3rd dan
Player's Card:
Age: 13
Why do you want to join?: seems like an epic clan and i can prpbably do something to help and that all of u seem so cool and badass
Special Skills: good fighter can remember alot of things (might be handy)
downfalls: suck at spelling
Hobbies: i like to play tennis football and drums i am a liitle bit of a geek i like to lay epicduel toribash ab\nd roblox
Life story on toribash: i am searching for an epic clan to be in which is offical and i think i would be a great assit to this clan but i am not the one to decide that i am a very good player
and that i do not keep my items for long so i sell them and fights like a bird with my toribot
Best mods: anything with sharp items whushu akido judo teakwondo
clans i have been in: niox puredark twistedfate kila-hex kila they did not work out beacuse died did not know how to start a clan and keep it going and than we had problems with some members.

You seem pretty cool. (escpecially the part about us bein badass, its so true...) anyway it seems you have a good understanding of what we want. I mean it kinda brigns it down a little saying that your just searching for an official clan, but still you seem to get it. if u stay active on forums and IRC im at a yes.

/off topic now i am a member so ha Sid... :3
Last edited by graymaster; Jun 25, 2011 at 04:25 PM.
Herpa Derp.


hobbieslay toribash,football,baseball,cricket,running,long jump and more

I want to join this clan because this clan is great and awesome clan.In this clan u have many kind and great players.So can u make me or help me to become a better player like u.Ive join bleu before.I left bleu clan 1 month ago because I wan to join this awesome clan.....

Last edited by noobproz; Jun 27, 2011 at 08:18 AM.
Originally Posted by noobproz View Post


hobbieslay TB,football,baseball,cricket,running,long jump and more

i want to join this clan because this clan is great and awesome.in this clan u have many kind and great players.so can u make me or help me to become a better player like u.ive join bleu before.I left bleu clan 1 month ago because i wan join this awesome


ok... this app is... eh...
first for your hobbiez, you can say football,baseball, and list forever. but you could also explain. say if you want a career in any of the things, maybe how much you like, how you have done so far in it. try and explain more, dont be vague. second in your why you want to join the clan section. i see absolutely no grammar and spelling corections.i left blue clan 1 month ago because i wan join awesome... WHAT!??!? right now im at a no for you. sorry.
Last edited by graymaster; Jun 25, 2011 at 06:12 PM.
Herpa Derp.
I really hope i will get in and i need help how to put my player card on with ink working or the box accutly showing
Once while having sex in a trailer chuck norris's sperm accidentally got into the engine, you might know this trailer as Optimis Prime.
Originally Posted by raver0012 View Post
Hi, well, I'm just trying to think of what I could say. I'm very nervous. Well... I'm a brown belt, I wanted to join this clan as I was going over other clans looking for one that fits my style. This one seems to get it. I'm online most days and besides toribash, I only really play a few games and play tennis.
Hope you may accept me. -raver0012

Short app i don't like it.. make a good app and i would say yes..
Apathy for now
Keep posting around join irc sometimes
Post some replays etc
Originally Posted by noobproz View Post


hobbieslay toribash,football,baseball,cricket,running,long jump and more

I want to join this clan because this clan is great and awesome clan.In this clan u have many kind and great players.So can u make me or help me to become a better player like u.Ive join bleu before.I left bleu clan 1 month ago because I wan to join this awesome


Friendly guy.. but badd app as i said before..
Make a good app and i would say yes
Post some replays etc
Post around blah blah blah

gary gray you can't vote because u're not in the clan yet..

Edit: WTF YOU'RE IN THE CLAN!? who invited u?
Death is so sure of victory, which gives us a life of advantage
will anyone help me with my players card?
Once while having sex in a trailer chuck norris's sperm accidentally got into the engine, you might know this trailer as Optimis Prime.
I dont like the new app thread....i liked the app rubric better, but whatever.

I met DarkRavens in TF, not a bad guy, but doesnt seem too active.

Apathy for now.

All others are a no.

Changed my mind. No to Dark too. Impatient and havent posted in anything but app thread and its very spammy.
Last edited by Pv2Caribou; Jun 27, 2011 at 02:30 AM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos