Yeah! That looks great, thanks.
I agree with nobuddie too, full Tori's are bound to attract attention.
We don't hire night janitors.
I'll start working on the new requests tomorrow, it's sunday now and i'm trying to have a life etc ;P

Stay tuned.
K, sorry for the double post, but my new creation deseves a new, clean and unread post:

I'd like to know what do you think about proportions, shading on the joints and detail of the textures.
oh WOW! that's wicked maldi! amazing. how long did it take you?

only one thing that seems wrong, the top of the head seems a bit flat. other than that it's great!
It took me a lot, something like 1 whole hour, i could have finished all the requests i had here, but i decided to follow nobuddie's suggestion.
Regarding the head you are right, i used a premade avatar of my head texture, while this probably deserved a whole new head, but i had it already done and i'm really lazy.
Hello I am really intrigued by pixel art i just wish i knew how to properly do it

I was wondering if you could make me a full body tori image and i would be willing to pay you for it... if i like it 10k if its good enough to keep with some errors 5k...