Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Conjurer to be honest your one of those kids in school that are biased to bands by either A) Their friends or others have told them that the music is gay
B) You cant be bothered to even look deeply into why the band is not to your liking.
C) and want attention and the only way you can get attention is by saying shit like this thread.
Music is a media used to reach out to be people who are like them and might have similar interests you saying this bands suck is your mere opinion and should not be shared with others.
Oh and one more point to stress are you better than them? cause to me these bands are making way more money than what your making right now.
Hi it's Praeter
I didn't notice you called my example horrible, it was actually EXACTLY what you are doing at the moment, you are just defending your opinion, are we not allowed to defend ours? Is your opinion too overpowerring? Like I said before. ITS YOUR OPINION.

Also, you said you can just improvise over a harmonic minor progression, which takes skill, improvision takes skill, bands do it, they have skill. Yay logic.
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jul 17, 2009 at 02:18 AM.
Well, the thing is. I'm not that good. As I only been playing for 2 years and it seems that I can already creat crappy metalcore. And no I didn't do that Megadoomer. I had a reason. I had plenty of reasons. That example is stupid. better example would be

"Black Sabbath sucks because their music is too simple and slow"

You said

example: "Oh, you listen to black sabbath! Black sabbath is the worst band ever! You suck because you listen to Black Sabbath"

Which is over simplifying it which most people do on toribash.
Have you even looked at your posts? You make the most general statements, basically saying "Lyrics, guitar, drums, effects, and everything else sucks about it" So really, I can shorten it to "Everything sucks"

Also, Who cares if you can play that, 2 years is enough time to play most things. I've been playing for 6 years, and can play almost anything I run into.

D) I just hate it. As I exlpained before which I think Mrama did not read anyhting I said about this genre of music.

I'm not a sheep Mrama. You really don't know me. My friends listen to metal, but I was the first to actually like music because they were just those average little white kids who didn't have a care in the world. Mrama you don't know much about music if you think it's about money. You are unqualified to even talk about this subject if you think it's about money. YOu came in here and try to depict me and trying to tell what I'm actually like? I'm a kid who has mad love for music of the 80s and the money can really go fuck itself.
Last edited by Conjurer; Jul 17, 2009 at 02:29 AM.
oh my fucking god could you guys argue less? For the sake of everyone else Conjurer no one cares what music you listen to and please do not publicize your opinion of a genre of music, music is what you want it to be, what you listen to and what you like is your own opinion. So please just quit this nonsense thread.
edit: Did I fucking say that music was about money? Read and understand someones argument before you start to explain yours and I dont give a shit where you came from and how you go into music but this thread is not the place to talk about this shit. I swear someone better close the god damn thread because Im getting pissed
some bitches are about to get burned and im getting an infraction.
Last edited by Sachi; Jul 17, 2009 at 02:30 AM.
Hi it's Praeter
Originally Posted by Conjurer View Post

D) I just hate it.

Hurr durr. K, posting this for like the fifth time.

Sorry for the caps and bold, but it was necessary, because posting it the other 4 times didn't get to him.
It got to me, but that is your opinion. You hyprocryte. You said they were making more money than me. Which does that matter? And you used that in an arguemnt why? Then Mrama shut the fuck up and don't come back here with your impatience. I have little tolerance for people who get pissed over the internet. They are dumb. Mrama if you don't care about how I got into music or anyhting then don't try to depict me.
Last edited by Conjurer; Jul 17, 2009 at 02:35 AM.
K... I'm gonna change my music taste because somebody on the internet said it sucks.

But seriously... it's pretty stupid to debate over an opinion... just leave before you embarrass yourself even more. :|
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Where did anyone say they were making more money than you?
Read the Market Rules
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