meh, a little repitive for me. Zombies, they make me laugh.

Dawn of war (any of them).
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say

One of the best games I ever played. The expansions just kept throwing new races for you to play which did make the game a bit unbalanced to point to point but nothing I really cared about. It did not utilize any rock/paper/scissor system which I liked alot. If I build a big frigging tank I want it to kill everything it sees (with a few exceptions though). Many hours have been spent online with these games.

Mass Effect.
I haven't actually played it, but I took a look at a few trailers etc.

Doesn't look too bad, I guess but I never really got into the whole space/aliens/shoot and shit games. I don't know.
Basing my rating on looks, I would go 6/10

Now for my game:
Killzone 2
One off because I'm not the fittest tiger of the pack, due to cigarettes etc
This then concludes in me getting too puffed out.

It may be one of the funnest games out there

I don't know if this has been posted yet (cba to look) soo,

Black and White
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time