I will work on yours right now Dragenon.

Also, selling this banner, will put text wherever you want and the "FOR SALE" will be gone.


[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Re: Tyler's Avatar/Logo/Banner Shop!

What do you want in it: my tori, with any kind of pose

Colours: silver/black

What do you want it to say: iivory's auctions

Font: Star Avenue

Size: however big you want it.

Extra: none

Price: 5k+
Originally Posted by Jan_miguel View Post
Hi tyler
I have a prime
do you want me to advertise your shoppe?
with a payment per week or month or so?

No thanks, I don't really want to pay someone to advertise for me

Originally Posted by iivory View Post

What do you want in it: my tori, with any kind of pose

Colours: silver/black

What do you want it to say: iivory's auctions

Font: Star Avenue

Size: however big you want it.

Extra: none

Price: 5k+

I will do it tomorrow because i'm tired right now, sorry.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Reopening shop now that I have some free time and am getting back into art.

iivory: Do you still want me to do the request?

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
What do you want in it: AK
Colours: letters in red backgroung gloss black n red
What do you want it to say: AssKickers
Size:normal banner
Extra: animated it apears AK and the it goes apearing Ass Kickers
Price: 5-10k

Font: rosewood