Original Post
{Event} Texture Triathlon: Gradients

Welcome textures and artists, in the next few weeks AlphasoniK and I will be sponsoring a triad of events where you can test your abilities in specific areas of texturing. This first event's theme of Gradients, will require you to make nicely shaded Headtexture mainly out of shapes and gradients.

  • Only Gradients, Shapes (Line, Lasso, Pen tool, Paint Bucket, ect), Gaussian Blurs, and strokes can be used to make your Headtexture
  • Only one entry allowed per person
  • Headtexture must be made for this event
  • Maximum resolution is 512x
  • Feel free to do whatever you want to with the heads after you present them.
  • Ends in three weeks! (June 22)

Your entries will be judged by AlphasoniK and myself, we also have a specialist judge for Gradients: Pate5!

We'll be looking at Overall Quality and Shading when we judge.

1st Place: 80k
2nd Place: 40k
3rd Place: 10k

Have Fun!
Last edited by JinxZ; Jun 15, 2010 at 08:10 PM.
@Pivovar, It follows the rules.

@Modarchy. No for Gradient maps. Clipping masks are allowed as long as you made the masking image within the rules. So no Cloud Filter + Clipping mask.

Nice head, it would do wonders for the head if you added details on the back.
"I heard a good song on pornhub" -[Ethr]MrBoXMan
Triple X Rated [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
why? the alien is bald.
why would a bald alien have any detail on the back?

though i do seem to notice a lack of gradients in it, xept for on the gem
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by CrazyGreek View Post
Nice head, it would do wonders for the head if you added details on the back.

I'm notoriously lazy and uninspired.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
why? the alien is bald.
why would a bald alien have any detail on the back?

though i do seem to notice a lack of gradients in it, xept for on the gem

I was going to add some texture to the back but that would take too long using the tools available.

There are gradients throughout the head but most of them are very small and light. For example each side of the head has 3 gradients not including the ears.

There are also like 60 layers of gaussian blurs if that means anything lol

I could have made all the guassian blurs gradients as well but I didn't because, like I said, I'm notoriously lazy.
guassian blurs are in the rules, so its all good then
nice entry =)

will be posting something within the next day or 2
working on a request and the theme works with the details of the comp
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
One week let until judging begins guys, make sure to get all your entries in!

Also, as a small sneak peak, the next event will be dealing with Anatomy!
