Originally Posted by Zac333 View Post
I think hes like one of those people who like to knock people up with their prices and when they give up, or the auto-buy is 1 bid away, he withdraws. >.>

I didn't know there were people who actually did that.

Wolfking, reported.
Last edited by DeliciousW; Jul 31, 2010 at 09:49 PM.
Originally Posted by DeliciousW View Post
I didn't know there were people who actually did that.

Lebaris, if wolfking only has 16k, I'll give you the set for 16.5k, as in buyout.

but i didn't do that
Originally Posted by Wolfking12 View Post
but i didn't do that

...But didn't you propose bids that you couldnt uphold? Didnt you not follow the min. raise by bidding only +1k or +2k? THAT, my friend, is bad.
Sorry if im being a meddlesome backseat mod >.>
...When I have no power what so ever.
Last edited by Zac333; Jul 31, 2010 at 01:15 AM.
Originally Posted by EgyptCentral View Post
It is awsome man, i love it, but im not rich enough =/

(can u add me more rep too? =D)

Sorry brah, I don't +rep on request. Thank you though