Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Really? You bought all of that? With whose money?
Who's paying your internet bill? My neighbor.Who's paying the plan for your cellphone?Me.
Let's do some basic math.
You are 16. *clapYou can only have been working for slightly less than a year at most. You can get paid under the table.You have no highschool diploma or college degree.Nope.
Apparently your job was a summer job. NopeFactoring that all in, let's say you made minimum wage, *8.40 an hour, and actually worked 10 hours a day like you claim. The average summer vacation is around 75 days. Did you work weekends? Nope.Probably not. (5/7)(6000) is 4285 dollars or so. Take tax off and for simplicity let's just take the sum down to 4000.

In other words, even with a stingy estimate, you as a 16 year old made 4,000 over the summer, and apparently were allowed to keep all of this so you could purchase your own computerHad it already., cellphone Had it already., car -500, clothing Didn't get new clothes, cell phone plan-50 a month, internet planuse my neighbor's, and auto insurance-100 a month. (OH GOD, WHO HAS SO HORRIBLY MISTREATED YOU, YOU POOR, POOR POVERTY-STRICKEN PERSON.)Nice troll brah.

You're telling me that you've paid for every article of clothing for 3 years. nope. dad did.Really? nope?Did you start working in the eighth grade? Yep. That would be pretty impressive. How much of that hundreds of dollars was given to you, and how much of it was earned? 85% earned approx, 15% from dad.

Let's play 20 questions.
Oklahoma department of transportation?
Ohio department of transportation? (I'll go with this one). Looked up job listings, minimum wage sounds right.
Oregon department of transportation?Yep.

Vulc says: "I stayed at my friend's house once"
Vulc now says: "By the way, this friend is a legal adult, has her own house, and is willing to let me live with her to escape from my parents."
didn't say that, but whatever.
Vulc says: "Now, I actually seriously thought about killing myself that night, and I just want to be away from her."
Vulc now says: "Not just then, but for 8 whole months! I just felt like lying in my first post, I guess."
Never said that either.
Vulc says: "I have my own car!"
Vulc now says: "This car is only 1 grand, and I paid for half of it. The insurance is equally cheap, again because the car is trash."
What's so ludicrous about that?
A general fyi: car insurance for any new car for a teenage male driver is typically in the 4-5 thousand range PFFFFFFFFFF, a mustang gt would cost far far more to insure. I also do not have a car, but ok.

As for hypocrisy: I am making inferences based on what YOU have told me. You're Flaming. T0ribush is making inferences about my character based on nothing but my opinion. Frankly everything he said is really dumb, but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him he's an illiterate 5 year old. That would be actual hypocrisy.

Want me to take your plight seriously? Then stop revising your life story. You actually try and meet me halfway and accurately explain your position, I'll consider it. Haven't changed it.Until then you're just another middle-class kid who doesn't realize how lucky he is. LOL. You are clearly hellbent on victimizing yourself. I guess it's easier to fantasize about beating her up and easier to complain about it than actually try and fix it. THATS WHY I ASKED WHAT I CAN DO TO GET AWAY FROM HER YOU...

Wow, I could've fed 20 starving, dying children on freerice in the time I've wasted here.
Then go the fuck away.

Second edit: Here's a great rule of thumb. If you bought a VIP package for an online forum, you deserve no sympathy for your financial position whatsoever. Lol guys, check out my flashing exclamation mark while at the same time lamenting my poverty. -20$? SHIT BRO GOT NO MONEYZ LEFT

Just get the hell out.
Last edited by Vulc; Sep 28, 2011 at 06:55 AM.

Free TC!

Sounds like you have it rough, but you live in wonderland compared to the kids in africa, so deal with her shit until you graduate. (College or highschool; but preferably college)

~I live in Africa, sup

~But you're not poor and starving, are you?
Last edited by Zayex; Sep 28, 2011 at 08:22 PM.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Seeing as Vulc seemed more compelled to argue with the materialistic people rather than to consider my approach, I'll assume something is amiss with the story.
Probably along the lines of being a pissy angsty teen (slightly granted that you do have to deal with work, single mom, etc) and not entirely rational/sensible approach to resolving the problem.

I suggest seeing if child services/etc provides mediation, counselling, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

@Boredpayne, T0ribush: Quit attacking. If you're trying to help, you're not putting your point in such a form to do so. Otherwise, please withhold your replies until he has a chance to respond to other people.
Last edited by FNugget; Sep 28, 2011 at 02:30 PM.
Shit just hit the fan.

I'll go with FNugget's approach and look past material gain, because it seems like you have it easier than you let on on that department. I'm not sure what you're looking for in your mother but I'll go ahead and assume it's attention and understanding. Did it ever cross your mind that you might be pushing her away? A suicide threat can kill a parent, regardless of how much you mean it. You say you're having trouble confronting her, what with your mother thinking you're just trying to dodge chores. Talk to her when you're not actually doing your chores, or approach the topic on a way that doesn't make you sound like you're dodging responsability. Hell, try counseling with her if you're that convinced she's fucking your life. Just make sure to take a hard look at her. She probably doesn't have a well-paying job, but makes sure you go the best school she can afford, as well as paying the bills on her own, whilst your only responsability (and don't pretend otherwise, we're all posting here for you) is to go to school and clean up after yourself.

Also, you can't get paid under the table in America, specially while being an American
Last edited by sid; Sep 28, 2011 at 03:55 PM.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
I don't expect anything from his mom, as far as I read, she works and pays bills. That is it, It seems like she doesn't clean what so ever. After this kid moves out, the place could turn to shit. She's supposed to by him clothes, but doesn't, If she needs help keeping a roof over their head, she could just ask and not act like the way she is.

Slacker moms with jobs, too many, too many.

My friends mom called the cops on him, he was asked to leave and his mom didn't want him back until a week after. And guess what? The house looked like shit, he was immedietly asked to do chores. She called them for almost no reason either.


If he's allowed to own a car at his age, that means there is a lack of care somewhere in there. It's not always a privaledge, I'm not sure in this case, His dad seems pretty cool, and actually like a dad in another state.

You can only clean a house so much. Of course he's allowed to leave at some point.

You do not have to be abused to be emotionally abused, which does severly hurt a child in some cases, I turned out quite fine after being abused, Not anymore, I'm 18 going on 19 and ready to kick ass.

How are you so sure that his parent isn't that bad that he does get all of this freedom at this age? It seems to responsible to keep him in all the time.

"pay for your own cell phone/computer AND the plan for both of them along with your auto insurance and car, which doesn't matter how shitty it is, i'd say you have it pretty good.)"

he's 16, that's a little young to be paying for all of that don't you think? Also including buying his own clothes

And Zayex, kids in Africa live in wonderland compared to Haiti. Point being? He lives in America, not some corrupt ass country, that
maybe a bit ironic, but either way. He wasn't born in africa, so bringing up africa is irrelevant. Maybe if you said you live in wonderland compared to the kids in Baltimore, but you chose africa? Why does everyone have to compare everything to Africa or even bring it up?

you seem to be doig fine in Africa, with the computer and stuff. You know kids are starving out there, why don't YOU do something about it instead of bringing something up that's irrelevant such as Africa, also They KNOW LOVE and a lot of it too, that's almost all they have, So what if this kid is quite rich, money doesn't bring happiness.

In all seriousness though, You should really, really talk to your mom with every chance you get, If not than you have 2 years buddy, then move out, move out as far as you can so your mom can't ask you for favors that she most likely doesn't deserve.
Last edited by T0ribush; Sep 28, 2011 at 06:23 PM.
T0ribush: Maybe instead of bringing up an irrelevant story about haiti or africa, you could use your brain to think about what I was saying:

I was simply saying that people in other countries have it a lot worse than him, so he should be grateful for what he has.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
I don't expect anything from his mom, as far as I read, she works and pays bills. That is it, It seems like she doesn't clean what so ever. After this kid moves out, the place could turn to shit. She's supposed to by him clothes, but doesn't, If she needs help keeping a roof over their head, she could just ask and not act like the way she is.

Slacker moms with jobs, too many, too many.
She's a single mother working to support not only herself but her kid, too. It's kind of expected for him to help out around the house. Why should she have to do all that stuff when she has to work everyday?

If he's allowed to own a car at his age, that means there is a lack of care somewhere in there. It's not always a privaledge, I'm not sure in this case, His dad seems pretty cool, and actually like a dad in another state.
How does owning a car mean lack of care?

You do not have to be abused to be emotionally abused, which does severly hurt a child in some cases, I turned out quite fine after being abused, Not anymore, I'm 18 going on 19 and ready to kick ass.
He's angry about getting chores and punished for being somewhere he shouldn't have. That's not exactly emotional abuse, yo.

How are you so sure that his parent isn't that bad that he does get all of this freedom at this age? It seems to responsible to keep him in all the time.
He already said that she grounds him if he gets into trouble.

"pay for your own cell phone/computer AND the plan for both of them along with your auto insurance and car, which doesn't matter how shitty it is, i'd say you have it pretty good.)"

he's 16, that's a little young to be paying for all of that don't you think? Also including buying his own clothes
Not every family gives their kid a phone or computer or car. If he wants these things it's not too uncommon to be expected to pay for it himself. It just shows how spoiled and entitled this generation of kids are. Clothes might be a little unreasonable but that's not uncommon either, and it's especially ok if he gets allowance.

And Zayex, kids in Africa live in wonderland compared to Haiti. Point being? He lives in America, not some corrupt ass country, that
maybe a bit ironic, but either way. He wasn't born in africa, so bringing up africa is irrelevant. Maybe if you said you live in wonderland compared to the kids in Baltimore, but you chose africa? Why does everyone have to compare everything to Africa or even bring it up?
Because a lot of kids in Africa don't even have enough food, let alone all these entertainment devices the op is complaining about.

In all seriousness though, You should really, really talk to your mom with every chance you get, If not than you have 2 years buddy, then move out, move out as far as you can so your mom can't ask you for favors that she most likely doesn't deserve.
I agree he should try to strengthen his relationship with his mom rather than push her away. Once he's an adult he'll probably realize how much his mom really loved him.

My stuff in bold itlaics
Ok so, the advice I've got to give about ridiculously strict and emotionless parents is rebel.

Hypothetically, say you're going to the mall, or fuckin, where ever you hang out.
She replies, "NO, YOU'VE GOT CHORES TO DO,", walk out on her and go meet your friends, tell her you'll do it later or some shit.
After a while she'll realise she's really over-protective and bossy, which gives her some sort of different mind set.

Or you could just go live with your friend.
Too much flaming going on, thanks FNugget for your advice.

Free TC!