/because Kevin asked me to do it

[16:00] <Hayz> *gets a cookie* Opener looks kinda... meh.
[16:00] <Hayz> That turn was rushed and looked bad
[16:01] <Hayz> I didn't get that kick to Uke's right knee... seriously, why he did that?
[16:01] <Hayz> The lift was OK but the transition afterwards looked silly.
[16:02] <Hayz> You kinda lose a bit of speed until you reach Uke...
[16:03] <Hayz> Fist kick looks powerful and OK.
[16:04] <Hayz> That leg dm at frame 108 looks really bad because I don't even know what caused that.
[16:05] <Hayz> The last boom looks good in a general perspctive... however and with a little arrange of the joints, you could have a lot more from it
[16:05] <Hayz> and that's pretty much it.

Overall: 6/10
Haven't made a replay in ages. Please rate my new one. Thanks to D3m0nz for helping me with the first skeet-
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#Spain.rpl (375.6 KB, 28 views)
Last edited by Kevin; Apr 9, 2012 at 09:31 AM.
The replays is awesome. You have really nice flow, relaxed style. The dms looked really cool. The pose wasn't that awesome for me. I would say 9/10.
Keep up works like these.