Endurance Onslaught 6.0
But. But. Why does everything have to come to an end?


I'm trying to think of a counterexample and am failing.

I guess the world as we know it might end. As in ze whole, eh, nothing is ever destroyed, only transformed.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Interesting and not retarded are 2 different things. I am fairly certain that no matter how much you think of blasing the fuck out of undead humans with shotguns, you will never get to do it, nor will it help you progress in life in any way, shape or form.

So: Some people will never have sex, so why should they think about it? It certainly won't help them progress in life at all.

Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
So: Some people will never have sex, so why should they think about it? It certainly won't help them progress in life at all.


Then those 'people' are inferior, and are lacking 1 of the 2 characteristics that make us human.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Thats not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that thinking about something retarded will cause you to become more retarded.

Interesting. So an unanswerable question will make all questions unanswerable to you? That sounds greatly improbable.
If, you instead, mean that thinking about the apocalypse will prevent you from thinking about important things, then I do agree. You certainly can't think about two things. But you still imply that thinking about it means just sitting there doing nothing but thinking. I'm sure people, with common sense, could do something and at least try to focus. And, also, even if one is just sitting. Does that imply that there's something better to do?
Of course not.
Last edited by gamekid; Nov 13, 2011 at 08:53 PM. Reason: I missused a word, excuse me.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Then those 'people' are inferior, and are lacking 1 of the 2 characteristics that make us human.

Just because you're a ladies man.. :C
Originally Posted by gamekid View Post
Interesting. So an unanswerable question will make all questions unanswerable to you? That sounds greatly inevitable.
If, you instead, mean that thinking about the apocalypse will prevent you from thinking about important things, then I do agree. You certainly can't think about two things. But you still imply that thinking about it means just sitting there doing nothing but thinking. I'm sure people, with common sense, could do something and at least try to focus. And, also, even if one is just sitting. Does that imply that there's something better to do?
Of course not.

I'm sorry, but I must know, do you have enough brainpower to construct a coherrent statement? Are you even reading and interpreting my arguments, or are you posting just to post? You restated exactly what I said and said you would agree with that but you disagreed with my original statement. I would sit here and individually disect every idiotic contradiction, and your inability to properly use vocabulary(which leads me to believe you are throwing words out from a thesaures.) But one quick example should suffice. "
Interesting. So an unanswerable question will make all questions unanswerable to you? That sounds greatly inevitable"

Last edited by Hyde; Nov 10, 2011 at 09:53 PM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Part A: Normality is what is uninfluenced and pure. We are all heavily influenced and impure, and everything we think makes us weaker.

Part B: We are becoming inferior(in terms of survival instincts, which we still need to thrive) to our ancestors. Predatory survival instincts apply to everything. The wave of apathy that has been overflowing the population of the planet for the past 20 years of this new, digital age is very damaging. Our arrogance has exceeded our capabilities, plain and simple. There are so many flaws in this system of ours, yet not enough people are smart enough to exploit them. The world we live in is nearly entirely virtual. I never said anyone would need to hunt anything, but predatory survival instincts are wired into our brainstem, along with the urge to reproduce, and by being who we are, we are diminishing as humans, and turning into apathetic jelly-bags. Here is an article demonstrating my point: http://www.insidejapantours.com/japa...rive-in-japan/

This is becoming a global phenomenon. The more time we waste thinking of useless shit, such as our mutual demise due to catastrophe, the more we sink into this spell of apathy.

Fucking bullshit on all of this

There is no such thing as "normal". The best you can do with that is what is best agreed on by a group of individuals as behavior that doesn't seem out of place to them, not some bullshit that thoughts degrade us, are you trying to say that leaving a person with absolutely no influences, no stimulation, and no interactions with anything outside of them is "pure"? What do you even mean by pure, that is complete gibberish without some definition behind the way you are using that word.

Also you keep going on and on about reproduction and survival instincts, both of those are becoming unnecessary and even detrimental in today's society. First off we no longer need to reproduce like we did before because we don't need 12 kids to help us work the farm to survive and also 10 of them won't die because we have shit for medical care. Today it is advantageous to have few offspring, it's less of an economic burden, yes we need to recreate our own kind but it doesn't have to be a main point of our life, and you also seem to think we have to deceive and exploit the system to survive now.... what the fuck are you talking about? We can easily earn enough money to get to a station in life were living is easy, thus surviving in relative comfort. There's no need to ruthlessly pursue more and more by hunting out chinks in the system when working within it is already good enough, seriously what you said is some type of anarchy inspiring insanity from where I'm sitting.

Also you think we are wasting time, did it ever cross your mind that we have more time to waste nowadays? With the simplification of life we've achieved we as humans finally have a considerable amount of leisure time again. Kind of like when our ancestors were hunter gatherers and making up religions to explain phenomena when they didn't have to hunt (wouldn't that be pointless and detrimental in your view?). It's not apathy, apathy is an indifference to what's going on around us, to not care. People very much do care, they want to achieve a position in life where they feel comfortable, not just solely have to survive. So I'm going to state this very simply, you bringing up the obvious absurdity of an apocalypse is you talking about it, you are doing nothing to progress society, you are talking about useless and retarded things and also you haven't gotten any closer to building that undersea utopia out of cat hair and frozen horse piss (which is also a completely ridiculous idea), in short stop raging about people talking about this stuff and just ignore it if it makes you so angry.
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
a meteor which has a 0.09801237892178% chance of hitting the earth

holy shit dude thats almost a tenth of a percent

pennis and also dicke and balls
Originally Posted by Ravis View Post
Fucking bullshit on all of this

There is no such thing as "normal". The best you can do with that is what is best agreed on by a group of individuals as behavior that doesn't seem out of place to them, not some bullshit that thoughts degrade us, are you trying to say that leaving a person with absolutely no influences, no stimulation, and no interactions with anything outside of them is "pure"? What do you even mean by pure, that is complete gibberish without some definition behind the way you are using that word.

Also you keep going on and on about reproduction and survival instincts, both of those are becoming unnecessary and even detrimental in today's society. First off we no longer need to reproduce like we did before because we don't need 12 kids to help us work the farm to survive and also 10 of them won't die because we have shit for medical care. Today it is advantageous to have few offspring, it's less of an economic burden, yes we need to recreate our own kind but it doesn't have to be a main point of our life, and you also seem to think we have to deceive and exploit the system to survive now.... what the fuck are you talking about? We can easily earn enough money to get to a station in life were living is easy, thus surviving in relative comfort. There's no need to ruthlessly pursue more and more by hunting out chinks in the system when working within it is already good enough, seriously what you said is some type of anarchy inspiring insanity from where I'm sitting.

Also you think we are wasting time, did it ever cross your mind that we have more time to waste nowadays? With the simplification of life we've achieved we as humans finally have a considerable amount of leisure time again. Kind of like when our ancestors were hunter gatherers and making up religions to explain phenomena when they didn't have to hunt (wouldn't that be pointless and detrimental in your view?). It's not apathy, apathy is an indifference to what's going on around us, to not care. People very much do care, they want to achieve a position in life where they feel comfortable, not just solely have to survive. So I'm going to state this very simply, you bringing up the obvious absurdity of an apocalypse is you talking about it, you are doing nothing to progress society, you are talking about useless and retarded things and also you haven't gotten any closer to building that undersea utopia out of cat hair and frozen horse piss (which is also a completely ridiculous idea), in short stop raging about people talking about this stuff and just ignore it if it makes you so angry.

There is such a thing as normal. Normal is a set value which everyone is compared to. Pure is an unaffected innocence, you know it when you see it, quit pretending otherwise. Living life is easier nowadays, but you still need a killer instinct to make life easier for yourself and the generations that follow. You should not be able to achieve any position of comfort in the world, until you are the top dog in our dog-eat-dog society. How are you not hungry for more? For having the best possible life? For breeding with the top dogs of the opposite gender, who are at a genetical advantage, as they will most likely be smarter then your top of the line factory worker's kid. You can continue being happy with living in a bathroom at mcdonalds, if it offers you relative comfort, for all I care, I'm just pointing out that wasting our time thinking about "the apocalypse" is a total waste of time, and nothing more. Anarchy and "Go make life easier for your future kids" are two very different things.

We don't have more time to waste. We have more time to spend on things precious in life, such as getting more money. How do you think google was created? How do you think the first portable computer(mac) was created? Why do you think the creators of both wipe their asses with 100 dollar bills? Also, way to take an obvious metaphor literally. Unlike you, I have a plan for life, and see no reason to be so goddamn hostile to people speaking their opinions.